Nicolás Umberto's web page  
Nicolás is growing up 

Nicolás is 7 1/2 months. He can be peaceful, sometimes.

  • Junior is -21.5 weeks old and counting...
  • Junior is here! His name is Nicolás Umberto Bolatto González and he was born at Mt. Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, MA, on March 30th 1999.
  • Nicolás at Mt. Auburn.
  • Nicolás at home.
  • Nicolás is now 4 months old (measures 66 cm and weights 8 kg).
  • Nicolás at the beach.
  • Nicolás is 5 months old.
  • Nicolás is 12 months old.
  • Nicolás during Easter 2002.
  • Nicolás learning to swim (April 2002).
  • Nicolás and his new bed (May 2002).
  • Nicolás 6th birthday (March 2005).