May 2014

Issue 61





Polarimetry:Form the sun to Stars and Stellar Environments

IAU Symposium 305

Punra Leona, Costa Rica

November 30 - December 5, 2014


Important Dates:

Financial support application deadline: June 1, 2014

Abstract submission deadline: September 2, 2014

Pre-registration deadline: September 12, 2014

Lodging registration and payment deadline: October 31, 2014

Online registration closes: November 15, 2014

Proceedings submissions deadline: February 15, 2015

General information email for the conference:


The advances in both solar and extra-solar science employing polarimetric diagnostics are far-reaching, and the pace of discovery is accelerating rapidly. IAU Symposium 305, convening in Punta Leona, Costa Rica between November 30 - December 5, 2014, is structured to facilitate communication between the solar and nighttime communities that, to date, work mostly independently. They share common underlying physics that controls not only the observed phenomena, but also the generation of the polarized radiation. This commonality is the strong thread motivating IAU Symposium 305.


Goals of the Symposium:

1.      Facilitate discourse between solar and nighttime polarimetry communities: In addition to scientificadvances, participants will learn about ongoing developments in polarimetric instrumentation, observational techniques, methods of data analysis and interpretation, and numerical modeling. Each session in the program will have a mix of solar and extra-solar contributions. Furthermore, each day will have sessions on both science results and techniques.

2.      Stimulate research and education in astronomical sciences in Central and Latin America: This IAU Symposium will be the first such Symposium to be held in Central America. The organizers encourage participation by students and young researchers from Central and Latin America. To this end, the first day of the Symposium (30 November 2014) will be devoted to introductory tutorials on fundamental aspects of astronomical polarimetry.

3.      Showcase recent scientific advances inspired by astronomical polarimetry: Remarkable advances have been made in recent years with the aid of astronomical polarimetry. The Symposium will showcase these advances, and focus on future developments.

Scientific Organizing Committee: F. Frutos Alfaro (co-chair), E. Alecian, S. Bagnulo, S. Berdyugina, G. Cauzzi, R. Centeno, M. Faurobert, K. Ichimoto, Bruce Lites (co-chair), A. M. Magalhaes, M. Martinez Gonzalez, M. Mishchenko, K. N. Nagendra, R. Stencel, J. Trujillo Bueno (co-chair), J. Wang
Local Organizing Committee:
F. Frutos Alfaro (co-chair), H. Gutierrez, W. Hawkins, L Herrera, B. Lites (co-chair), T. Rivas, L. Taliashvili (co-chair)


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See recently indexed and summarized papers on the optics of particles and dispersions in TPDSci: