

We are pleased to announce the 3-rd Advancement of POLarimetric Observations (APOLO-2022) meeting to be held August 9-12, 2022 in Washington, DC (Silver Spring, MD).

Abstract submission is open now and will remain so until April 15th. Registration will begin April 18th and will continue until July 15th.

The conference website is: https://pikesmeetings.wixsite.com/apolo-2022 ; see also https://loa.univ-lille.fr/workshops/APOLO-2022/


Thanks to local organizing committee, Kirk Knobelspiesse, Zhibo Zhang, Ahmed El-Habashi, and support of Hal Maring.

There isa good hope to have meeting in person, in spite of COVID-19 complications, though the option remains to switch it to online one.





13th international conference on Laser-light and Interactions with

Particles (LIP2022) to be held in Warsaw, Poland, on August 21-26th, 2022

The call for abstracts opened on November 1, 2021 for subjects dealing with

      - near-field, far-field and time-resolved scattering (computations, laboratory experiments...)

      - plasmonics, other resonances and caustics (probing,  scattering enhancement, modelling...)

      - complex shaped particles and aggregates (morphology, composition, functionalization...)

      - multiple scattering and random media (dense, turbulent,...)

      - mechanical effects of light (particle manipulation, forces measurement, optical tweezers...)

      - laser beams description (contributions acoustical and quantum beams are also welcomed).

      - particle characterization methods (interferometric, polarimetric, spectral, static, dynamic...),

 The following application areas will be also welcomed:

      - two- and multiphase flow characterization (combustion, spray, bubbly flows...),

      - aerosol and atmospheric sciences (nucleation, transport, characterization...),

      - plasma and soft matter physics (nanocristallites, colloids, suspensions, aggregation...),

      - biomedical optical engineering (cell manipulation and properties, microrheology...),

      - remote sensing and free space communication (holography, lidar, turbulence...).
Get a look to the conference web site,  the flyer or poster and spread the information around you !


Contact : contact@lip-conference.org
Conference website: http://lip-conference.org/
Download the conference flyer: pdf
Download the conference poster:   pdfs in A4 and  A2 formats


Cosmic Dust


Kitakyushu International Conference Center
3-9-30 Asano, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu-shi
Fukuoka 802-0001

Monday, August 17 – Friday, August 21, 2020

This series of Cosmic Dust meetings aims at finding a consensus among experts on the formation and evolution of cosmic dust: where it comes from and where it goes. The meeting is organized by dust freaks who are very enthusiastic not only to make the goal achievable but also to establish a dust community across every scientifically relevant discipline for the development of cosmic dust research. For this reason, the primary objective of the meeting is to bring together professionals who deal with cosmic dust as well as provide an opportunity for participants to develop interpersonal relationships and scientific interactions among themselves.

All kinds of cosmic dust such as
• intergalactic dust
• circumnuclear dust
• interstellar dust
• protoplanetary disk dust
• debris disk dust
• cometary dust
• interplanetary dust
• circumplanetary dust
• stellar nebular condensates
• presolar grains
• micrometeorites
• meteoroids
• meteors
• regolith particles
• planetary aerosols
are the subject of discussion. The meeting is open for any aspects of dust research by means of different methods of studies (in-situ and laboratory measurements, astronomical observations, laboratory and numerical simulations, theoretical modeling, data analyses, etc.). Also welcome are papers on dust-related topics, for example:
• the formation of molecules and their reactions on and their desorption from the surface of a solid substance
• light scattering by non-spherical particles and particulate surfaces
• space missions and instrumentation for measurements of particulates

This time the meeting will be held on the island of Kyushu for the first time, the third largest island of Japans' five main islands famous for world's most active volcanoes (
https://www.jma.go.jp/en/volcano/map_6.html). Kitakyushu city is the gateway to the Kyushu island from the main land of Honshu, separated only by 650 m (https://www.city.kitakyushu.lg.jp/english/index.html). It is also known as one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites as Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution (https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1484/gallery/&index=13&maxrows=12). The date is chosen to lie between the 2020 Summer Olympics on Jul. 24–Aug. 9 (https://www.olympic.org/tokyo-2020) and the 2020 Summer Paralympics on Aug. 25–Sep. 6 (https://www.paralympic.org/tokyo-2020) in Tokyo.

Please complete online meeting application at the CPS website in order to attend the meeting. The deadline for the application is May 8, 2020, 11:59 p.m. Japan Standard Time (UTC+09:00). Because the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 50, the online application does not guarantee admission to the meeting. Participants will be determined at the discretion of the SOC and all applicants will be notified of the admissions decision by May 31, 2020. Priority will be given to those who contribute oral or poster sessions and retain enthusiasm for discussions throughout the meeting. For further details, please visit the Cosmic Dust website.

The early bird rate of 10,000 JPY (ca. $100) is available for those who complete both admissions application and abstract submission by April 24, 2020. The registration fee for those who complete admissions application on and after April 25, 2020 is 15,000 JPY (ca. $150). While no payment is required at the time of admissions application and abstract submission, the registration fee should be paid once admittance is guaranteed. No matter what circumstances are specified, the registration fee will not be waived. The payment of the registration fee permits free admission to all scientific sessions, daily coffee breaks, a banquet, and an excursion.

The best poster award will be given to the most excellent content and presentation of a poster at the Cosmic Dust meeting, although higher priorities are given to posters by students and junior scientists. The award winner will be announced in the closing minutes of the meeting.