FUNCTION XMLDocument::SetElement,name,parent,atts=atts,attvals=attvals,text=text,before=before ;------------------------------------------------ ;+ ; NAME: ; XMLDocument__define ; ; PURPOSE: ; We subclass IDLffDOMDocument to add a convenient SetElement method. It ; allows one to create a new element with multiple attributes and a text ; node plus place in it the Document tree by naming its parent ; and optionally naming the next sibling. ; ;Category: ; Datafile Handling: XML ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; oXML = OBJ_NEW('XMLDocument') ; Return = oXML->SetElement(name,parent,atts=atts,attvals=atvals,$ ; text=text, before=before) ; ; Required INPUTS: ; name - Tag name of the element being created. ; ; parent - object that holds parent of element ; If parent is the XMLDocument then it is the root node. ; ; Optional INPUT KEYWORDS: ; atts - string or stringarr of attribute names for element. ; ; attvals - string or stingarr of values for attributes ; ; text - string for textnode of element ; ; before - next sibling. If not specified, Element is placed as ; last sibling (appended instead of inserted before). ; ; Outputs: ; Return - Object reference to the element created ; ; Example: ; IDL> hh=orderedhash('E1','Text for E1','E2','Text for E2','E3','Text for E3') ; IDL> atts = ['att1','att2'] ; IDL> attvals =['att1 value','att2 value'] ; IDL> oXML = OBJ_NEW('XMLDocument') ; IDL> oroot = oXML->SetElement('RootElement',oXML,atts='xmlns',$ ; IDL> attvals='somenamespace') ; IDL> keys = hh.keys() ; IDL> ochild1 = oXML->SetElement(keys[0],oroot,$ ; IDL> atts='att1',attvals='att1 value',text=hh[keys[0]]) ; IDL> ochild2 = oXML->SetElement(keys[1],oroot,$ ; IDL> atts=atts,attvals=attvals,text=hh[keys[1]]) ; IDL> ochild3 = oXML->SetElement(keys[2],oroot,text=hh[keys[2]]) ; IDL>,string=outstring,/pretty_print ; IDL> OBJ_DESTROY, oXML ; IDL> print,outstring ; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> ; <RootElement xmlns="somenamespace"> ; ; <E1 att1="att1 value">Text for E1</E1> ; ; <E2 att1="att1 value" att2="att2 value">Text for E2</E2> ; ; <E3>Text for E3</E3> ; ; </RootElement> ; (Note: lessthan sign was encoded so that it appears correctly on the web) ; ; Procedures Used: ; Just built-in procedures ; ; PACKAGE LOCATION: ; ; ; Modification History ; Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [JULY 11, 2014]. ; Changed parent from a keyword to a required parameter ES [5/7/15]. ;- ;-------------------------------- IF (N_PARAMS() EQ 0) THEN BEGIN print,'setElement: Both a name string and parent object reference are required' return,-1 ENDIF IF (~KEYWORD_SET(parent)) THEN BEGIN print, 'setElement: Parent must be set' return,-1 ENDIF oElement = self->CreateElement(name) IF KEYWORD_SET(atts) THEN $ FOR i = 0, N_ELEMENTS(atts)-1 DO $ oElement->SetAttribute,atts[i],attvals[i] IF KEYWORD_SET(text) THEN BEGIN oText = self->CreateTextNode(text) oVoid = oELement->AppendChild(oText) ENDIF ; Place Element into document as parent or before IF KEYWORD_SET(before) THEN $ oRef = parent->InsertBefore(oElement,before) $ ELSE $ oRef = parent->AppendChild(oElement) RETURN,oRef END PRO XMLDocument__define COMPILE_OPT IDL2 void = {XMLDocument, inherits IDLffXMLDOMDocument} END