FUNCTION PARSE_PARAMETER, line, pos=pos, commentChar=commentChar ;+ ; NAME: ; PARSE_PARAMETER ; ; PURPOSE: ; Given a string from a parameter/header ('key = value'), returns key and ; value of a parameter as two element array by basically splitting on an ; equal sign. If commentChar is set to the delimiter for start of a ; comment, then it returns a 3 element array [key, value, comment]. ; Keyword "pos" returns position of beginning of key. ; If there is no equal sign, then it returns [strtrim(line,2),''] and ; pos = -1. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Datafile handling; PDS ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; keyval = PARSE_PARAMETER(line, pos=pos, commentChar=commentChar) ; ; INPUTS: ; line - A string consisting of 'key = value'. Value can have spaces. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; keyval - 2 element array with [key,value] as strings or 3 element ; ; array, if commentChar keyword is set, with [key,value,comment] ; ; KEYWORDS: ; pos - position of first character of key in paramArr ; ; commentChar - character that begins a comment or description ; ; PROCEDURES USED: ; IDL built-in procedures ; ; PACKAGE LOCATION: ; ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [April 27, 2012] ; ;- ;----------------------------------------------------------------- IF (N_PARAMS() Lt 1) THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'usage: keyval = PARSE_PARAMETER(line, pos=pos)' RETURN, 0 ENDIF ; Split on equal sign keyval = STRSPLIT(line,'=',/extract,count=count,/preserve_null) IF (count EQ 1) THEN BEGIN keyval = [STRTRIM(line,2),''] pos = -1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Fix if there equal signs in the comments section IF (count GT 2) THEN keyval = [keyval[0],STRJOIN(keyval[1:*],'=')] ; Split on commentChar if it was set. ; keyval becomes 3 elements long. IF (KEYWORD_SET(commentChar)) THEN BEGIN valcomment = STRSPLIT(keyval[1],commentChar,/extract,/preserve_null,count=count) IF (count GT 1) THEN $ keyval = [keyval[0],valcomment[0],valcomment[1]] ENDIF ; Trim off spaces keyval = STRTRIM(keyval,2) ; Locate start of key, if pos is set. IF (ARG_PRESENT(POS)) THEN pos = STRPOS(line,keyval[0]) ENDELSE RETURN, keyval END ; FUNCTION PARSE_PARAMETER