FUNCTION PDS_OPEN, XFILE, offset, readonly=readonly, COMPRESS=COMPRESS, $ SILENT = Silent, ERRMSG= ERRMSG, PIPE= pipe ;+ ; NAME: ; PDS_OPEN ; ; PURPOSE: ; Opens and return the unit number of a file positioned at a specified ; offset in bytes ; ; EXPLANATION: ; A normal file is just opened (readonly, if specified) and skips to an ; offset. For a compressed file, it can determine the type of uncompression ; and sets up a pipe to uncompress the stream. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; unit=PDS_OPEN(FILE,OFFSET,READONLY=,COMPRESS=,PIPE=,ERRMSG= ,SILENT=) ; ; ; INPUT PARAMETERS: ; FILE = file name, scalar string ; ; OFFSET = offset from the beginning of the file to start read or write ; ; RETURNS: ; Unit number of file or -1 if an error is detected. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD PARAMETER: ; COMPRESS - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then treat ; the file as compressed. If 1 assume a gzipped file. ; and use IDLs internal decompression facility. For Unix ; compressed or bzip2 compressed files spawn off a process to ; decompress and use its output as the stream. If the ; keyword is not 1, then use its value as a string giving the ; command needed for decompression. ; ; READONLY - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then OPENR rather ; than OPENU will be used to open the file. Note that ; compressed files are always set to /READONLY ; ; SILENT - If set, then suppress any messages about invalid characters. ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORDS: ; ERRMSG = If this keyword is present, then any error messages will be ; returned to the user in this parameter rather than ; depending on the MESSAGE routine in IDL. If no errors are ; encountered, then a null string is returned. ; ; PIPE - If set to 1, then the file was opened with a pipe ; rather than with the OPENR command. This is only required ; when reading a bzip or Unix compressed file. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; Opens and returns a file unit. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Open the appropriate file, or spawn a command and intercept the output. ; Call MRD_SKIP to get to the appropriate extension. ; ; PROCEDURE CALLS: ; MRD_SKIP() (from astron package) ; ; PACKAGE LOCATION: ; ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Derived from William Thompson's FXFINDEND routine. ; Modified by T.McGlynn, 1994 - 1999 as MXPOSIT ; Modified by W. Landsman 23-Apr-1997 - 2009 as MXPOSIT ; Rewritten by Ed Shaya for PDS data / U. of Maryland Sept-2013 for use in PDS4 ;- COMPILE_OPT idl2 ; Check the number of parameters. IF N_PARAMS() LT 2 THEN BEGIN PRINT,'SYNTAX: UNIT = FXPOSIT(FILE, offset, /Readonly,' + $ 'ERRMSG= , /SILENT, compress=prog )' RETURN,-1 ENDIF PRINTERR = NOT ARG_PRESENT(ERRMSG) ERRMSG = '' PIPE = 0 IF xfile[0] NE '' THEN $ file = FILE_SEARCH(xfile, count=count) IF count EQ 0 THEN BEGIN errmsg = 'Specified File not found ' + xfile[0] IF printerr THEN message,errmsg,/con RETURN, -1 ; Don't print anything out, just report an error ENDIF file = file[0] unit = -1 glun = 1 ; Check if this is a compressed file. ucmprs = ' ' IF KEYWORD_SET(compress) THEN BEGIN help,compress IF strcompress(string(compress),/remo) eq '1' THEN compress = 'gunzip' ucmprs = compress; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN len = STRLEN(file) IF len GT 3 THEN $ tail = STRLOWCASE(STRMID(file, len-3, 3)) $ ELSE $ tail = ' ' IF STRMID(tail,1,2) EQ '.z' THEN $ ucmprs = 'uncompress' $ ELSE IF (tail EQ '.gz' or tail EQ 'ftz') THEN $ ucmprs = 'gunzip' $ ELSE IF (tail EQ 'bz2') THEN $ ucmprs = 'bunzip2' ENDELSE ; Handle compressed files which are always opened for Read only. IF ucmprs EQ 'gunzip' THEN BEGIN OPENR, unit, file, /compress, GET_LUN=glun, ERROR = error IF error NE 0 THEN BEGIN IF printerr THEN PRINT,!error_state.msg $ ELSE errmsg = !error_state.msg RETURN,-1 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (ucmprs NE ' ') THEN BEGIN ; Anything but gunzip SPAWN, [ucmprs,'-c',file], unit=unit, /noshell pipe = 1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; No compression ; Go to the start of the file. IF KEYWORD_SET(readonly) THEN $ OPENR, unit, file, get_lun=glun, error = error $ ELSE $ OPENU, unit, file, get_lun=glun, error = error IF error NE 0 THEN BEGIN IF printerr THEN PRINT,!error_state.msg $ ELSE errmsg = !error_state.msg RETURN,-1 ENDIF ENDELSE ENDELSE IF (offset GT 0) THEN mrd_skip, unit,offset RETURN, unit END