FUNCTION READ_PDS,file,datastatus=datastatus,metadata=metadata, $ noNANs=noNANs,version=version,dscale=dscale,no_reorient=no_reorient ;+ ; NAME: ; READ_PDS ; ; PURPOSE: ; This reads metadata from PDS version 4 XML documents, using READ_XML, and ; then reads the data in the datafile into an IDL structure. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Datafile handling; PDS ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; data_struct = READ_PDS([file, datastatus=datastatus, metadata=metadata, ; dscale=dscale, version=version]) ; ; INPUTS: ; file - Name and path, if not current directory, of PDS XML document that ; describes the data and datafiles. ; However, if there is no file parameter, then a file selection ; window pops up to allow convenient selection of the PDS XML file. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; data_struct - The data. If the data is held in a FITS data file the output ; is a structure holding pairs of headers and images/data. ; It also handles fixed format tables (TABLE_CHARACTER) by returning ; a structure that is an array of structures. ; Each row (record) in the table is an element of the array with tagnames ; given by the names given in the metadata. ; ; ; KEYWORDS: ; datastatus - Relays error flags from the routines that read the data. ; ; metadata - All of the metadata in the PDS XML documents. ; ; noNANs - Set this on if NANs are not wanted in real and double fields. ; ; version - Prints out version of the code and continues. ; ; dscale - Ensures scaling (scale_factor and value_offset) is done in double precision. ; ; no_reorient - Set this flag on to prevent images from being reoriented ; according to sample_ and line_display_direction, so that they ; are displayed properly with the TV command. Default reorients. ; ; PROCEDURES USED: ; READ_XML, XML2IDL, getTagsByName, PDS_READ_TABLE, PDS_OPEN, PDS_RD_IMAGE, PDS_RD_READ_IMAGE ; ; PACKAGE LOCATION: ; ; ; IDL VERSIONS TESTED: ; 8.2 ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [July 19, 2012]. Not yet complete. ; Add Delimited Tables [Aug 20, 2012]. ; Add BINARY Tables [May 29, 2013]. ; Substantial rewrite to ensure info from XML is used ; rather than headers. Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland Oct. 22, 2013 ; Removed path keyword. Now filename should contain path if needed Feb 4, 2014. ; Sep 6, 2014 - Allow for groups inside of groups to form 2 or 3 dimensional arrays. ES ; Sep 6, 2014 - Reworked PDS datatype to IDL datatype table. ES ; Sep 9, 2014 - Added scaling for fields in tables. ES ; Sep 10, 2014 - Use local_identifier as structure tag names. ES ; Nov 24, 2014 - Make table_name idl_valid when needed. ES ; Nov 24, 2014 - Fixed a bug that prevented simple arrays in table fields. ; Nov 24, 2014 - Fix for case where headers have no local identifiers ; ;- ;----------------------------------------------------------------- COMPILE_OPT idl2 COMMON openercom, fstate ;Begin the error handler: CATCH, Error_status IF Error_status NE 0 THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'Error index: ', Error_status PRINT, 'Error message: ', !ERROR_STATE.MSG CATCH, /CANCEL RETURN, Error_status ENDIF ending = '(__[0-9]+)?' ; Display version IF KEYWORD_SET(version) THEN $ PRINT,'read_pds: Beta Version, Oct 16, 2013' IF ~KEYWORD_SET(noNaNs) THEN noNaNs = 0 IF ~KEYWORD_SET(file) THEN BEGIN xmlfile_opener file=fstate.file IF (file EQ '') THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'read_pds: Blank file name' PRINT, 'read_pds: Returning' RETURN, -1 ENDIF ENDIF IF KEYWORD_SET(version) THEN RETURN, 0 IF KEYWORD_SET(help) THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'read_pds: Usage' PRINT, ' data = read_pds(XMLfile, datastatus=datastatus, metadata=metadata PRINT, ' noNANs=noNANs, version=version) RETURN, -1 ENDIF filetest = file_search(file) IF (filetest EQ '') THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'read_pds: Cannot find xml file ', file PRINT, 'read_pds: Returning' RETURN, -1 ENDIF filename = file_basename(file) path = file_dirname(file) IF ~KEYWORD_SET(no_reorient) THEN no_reorient = 0 result = -1 idlVersion = FLOAT(!version.release) ; Read XML metadata file into structure named metadata metadata = read_xml(file) ; Get File_Area of metadata filearea = getTagsByName(metadata,'FILE_AREA_OBSERVATIONAL$',/getvalues,count=count) IF (count EQ 0) THEN BEGIN PRINT,'read_pds: No element FILE_AREA_OBSERVATIONAL. Returning -2 RETURN, -2 ENDIF ; Get title text to use as name of output Identification_Area = getTagsByName(metadata,'Identification_Area$',/getvalues) title = Identification_Area.title._text execString = '' NHeaders = 0 NTables = 0 NImages = 0 ; Top level elements in filearea is the datasets (header, images, tables, etc) dataset = getTagsByName(filearea,'^\.[^.]+$',count=nchild) ; Remove '.' at beginning of each string dataset = STRMID(dataset,1) FOR dd = 0, nchild-1 DO BEGIN dataseti = dataset[dd] meta0 = filearea.(dd) ; meta may be an array if there are two very similar datasets in a row FOR nmeta = 0, N_ELEMENTS(meta0) - 1 DO BEGIN meta = meta0[nmeta] ; Split on '_' etc dataset_split = STRSPLIT(dataseti,'_',/extract) CASE dataset_split[0] OF 'FILE': BEGIN ; datafile name datafile = meta.file_name._text creation_datetime = getTagsByName(meta,'^.creation_date_time._text',/getvalues) IF (creation_datetime[0] EQ '-1') THEN $ creation_datetime = 'Unknown' compress = '' suffix = STRMID(datafile,STRPOS(datafile,'.',/reverse_search)+1) IF (suffix EQ 'gz') THEN compress = 'gunzip' IF (suffix eq 'z' or suffix eq 'Z') THEN $ compress = 'uncompress' IF (suffix EQ 'bz2') THEN compress = 'bunzip2' fullDatafile = path+'/'+datafile[0] PRINT, 'read_pds: Data file is ', fullDatafile ; open datafile filetest = file_search(fulldatafile) IF (filetest EQ '') THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'read_pds: Cannot find datafile ',fulldatafile PRINT, 'read_pds: Returning -2' RETURN, -2 ENDIF unit = pds_open(fulldatafile, 0, compress=compress, $ /readonly, errmsg= errmsg) cursor = 0L ; openr,/get_lun,unit,fulldatafile END 'HEADER': BEGIN parsing_standard_id = meta.parsing_standard_id._text IF (STRMATCH(parsing_standard_id[0], 'FITS*')) $ THEN dataIsFits = 1 ELSE dataIsFits = 0 offset = LONG64(meta.offset._text) offset_unit = getTagsByName(meta,'^.offset.unit',/getvalues) IF (offset_unit[0] NE "byte" AND offset_unit[0] NE "-1") THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'pds_rd: offset unit should be "byte", but it is "'+offset_unit+'" in the .xml file.' RETURN, 0 ENDIF ;point_lun,-unit,cc ;print,' point_lun before skip ',cc, cursor mrd_skip, unit, offset-cursor cursor = offset name = getTagsByName(meta,'^\.local_identifier._text',/getvalues) name = name[0] IF (name EQ '-1') THEN name = 'Unknown' name = IDL_VALIDNAME(name,/convert_all) ; description of header description = getTagsByName(meta,'^\.description._text',/getvalues) description = description[0] IF (description EQ '-1') THEN description = 'Unknown' REPEAT BEGIN quote = STRPOS(description,'"') IF quote NE -1 THEN STRPUT,description,"'",quote ENDREP UNTIL (quote EQ -1) object_length = LONG64(getTagsByName(meta,'^\.object_length._text',/getvalues)) object_length = object_length[0] IF (object_length EQ -1L) THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'read_pds: No length provided for header. There may be padding left at the end of the header.' object_length = LONG64(filearead.(dd+1).offset._text) - cursor ENDIF ELSE BEGIN hdr = ["NAME = Unknown","COMMENT = Unable to read header"] ; CASE parsing_standard_id of ; '7-Bit ASCII Text': BEGIN ; bytehdr = bytearr(object_length) ; readu,unit,bytehdr ; hdr = strsplit(string(bytehdr),string(13b)) ; END ; ; 'CDF 3.4 ISTP/IACG': ; 'FITS 3.0': mrd_hread, unit, hdr, status, errmsg=errmsg,/silent ; 'ISIS2': ; 'ISIS3': ; 'PDS DSV 1': ; 'PDS ODL 2': ; 'PDS3': ; 'Pre-PDS3': ; 'UTF-8 Text': BEGIN ; bytehdr = bytearr(object_length) ; readu,unit,bytehdr ; hdr = strsplit(string(bytehdr),string(13b)) ; END ; ; 'VICAR1': ; 'VICAR2': ; ELSE: BEGIN ; print, 'read_pds: parsing_standard_id of header,',$ ; parsing_standard_id,' is unknown' ; print, 'Returning' ; return,-1 ; END ; ENDCASE IF (parsing_standard_id EQ 'FITS 3.0') THEN BEGIN bytehdr = BYTARR(object_length) ; point_lun,-unit,cc ;print,' cursor before readu',cc READU,unit,bytehdr ; point_lun,-unit,cc ; print,' cursor after readu',cc cursor += object_length ; print,' cursor set to', cursor hdr = STRING(REFORM(bytehdr,80,object_length/80)) lastcard = where(strmid(hdr,0,3) EQ 'END',count) IF (count NE 0) THEN hdr = hdr[0:lastcard[0]-1] $ ELSE $ PRINT,'read_pds: Warning: No END statement in FITS header' ;IF (STRMID(hdr[N_ELEMENTS(hdr)-1],0,2) EQ 'END') THEN $ ;hdr = hdr[0:N_ELEMENTS(hdr)-2] $ ;ELSE $ ;PRINT,'read_pds: Warning: No END statement in FITS header' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN bytehdr = BYTARR(object_length) READU,unit,bytehdr cursor += object_length hdr = STRSPLIT(STRING(bytehdr),STRING(13b)) ENDELSE ; IF (idlVersion ge 8.0) THEN $ ; hdr_0 = headertohash(hdr,comments=comments_0) NHeaders++ ; increment image number and create a structure for array headern = 'header' + STRTRIM(STRING(NHeaders),1) IF (name EQ 'Unknown') THEN name = headern Result = EXECUTE(name + $ " = {name : name, description: description[0], header : hdr}") ; Prepare string for creating output structure execString += ', '+ name + ' : ' + name ENDELSE ; if object_length NE -1 END ; 'HEADER' 'ARRAY': BEGIN array_name = getTagsByName(meta,'^.local_identifier._text',/getvalues) array_name = array_name[0] IF (array_name EQ "-1") THEN array_name = 'Unknown' array_name = IDL_VALIDNAME(array_name,/convert_all) offset = LONG64(meta.offset._text) offset_unit = getTagsByName(meta,'^.offset.unit',/getvalues) IF (offset_unit NE "byte" AND offset_unit NE "-1") THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'pds_rd: offset unit should be "byte", but it is "'+offset_unit+'" in the .xml file.' RETURN, 0 ENDIF ; Bring file cursor up to offset IF (offset-cursor GT 0) THEN BEGIN ;point_lun,-unit,cc ;print,' Before skip to Bring file cursor up ',cc mrd_skip, unit,offset - cursor ;point_lun,-unit,cc ;print,' Before skip to Bring file cursor up ',cc,' should be ', offset cursor = offset ENDIF IF EOF(unit) THEN BEGIN MESSAGE,'ERROR - PAST EOF',/CON IF inputUnit EQ 0 THEN FREE_LUN,unit status = -2 RETURN, 0 ENDIF axis_index_order = STRUPCASE(strtrim(meta.axis_index_order._text,2)) special_tags = $ getTagsByName(meta,'^\.Special_Constants.*_text',count=nspecials) IF (nspecials GT 0) THEN BEGIN tagvString = "" FOR kk = 0, nspecials-1 DO BEGIN Result = Execute("value = meta" + special_tags[kk]) tag = strmid(special_tags[kk],19) tag = strmid(tag,0,strlen(tag)-6) tagvString = tagvString + "," + tag + " : " + value ENDFOR Result = EXECUTE("special_constants = {" + STRMID(tagvString,1) + "}") specials = ' special_constants : special_constants, ' ENDIF ELSE specials = '' ; Units for array in Element_Array units = getTagsByName(meta,'^\.Element_Array.unit._text',/getvalues) IF (units[0] EQ '-1') THEN units[0] = 'Unknown' ; Info on each axis in Axis_Array axis_name = getTagsByName(meta,'^\.Axis_Array'+ending+'.axis_name._text',/getvalues,count=nnames) sequence_number = getTagsByName(meta,'^\.Axis_Array'+ending+'.sequence_number._text',/getvalues,count=nnumber) axis_units = getTagsByName(meta,'^\.Axis_Array'+ending+'.axis_units._text',/getvalues,count=nunits) sequence_number = FIX(sequence_number) ; In case elements are not in sequence order indx = sequence_number - 1 axis_name = axis_name[indx] axis_units = axis_units[indx] FOR kk = 0, N_ELEMENTS(axis_units)-1 DO $ IF (axis_units[kk] EQ '-1') THEN axis_units[kk] = 'Unknown' IF (axis_index_order EQ 'LAST INDEX FASTEST') THEN $ axis_name = REVERSE(axis_name) description = getTagsByName(meta,'.description._text$',/getvalues) IF (description EQ '-1') THEN description = 'Unknown' ELSE description = description[0] REPEAT BEGIN quotes = strpos(description,'"') IF quotes NE -1 THEN strput,description,"'",quotes ENDREP UNTIL quotes EQ -1 display_info = getTagsByName(meta,'^\.Display_2D_Image$',/getvalues,count=ndisplay) IF (ndisplay GT 0) THEN BEGIN line_display_direction = STRUPCASE(display_info.line_display_direction._text) sample_display_direction = STRUPCASE(display_info.sample_display_direction._text) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Use default values line_display_direction = 'DOWN' sample_display_direction = 'RIGHT' ENDELSE scaling = 1 type = 0 silent = 0 arange = [-1,-1] pds_rd_image, meta, arange, maxd, rsize, cursor, array0, scaling_factor,$ value_offset, scaling, status, silent=silent, lsb=lsb IF status GE 0 AND rsize GT 0 THEN $ pds_rd_read_image, unit, meta, arange, maxd, rsize, array0,$ status=status ; Re-orient image, unless no_reorient is set IF (no_reorient eq 0 and nnumber gt 1) THEN BEGIN PRINT,'read_pds: Re-orienting the image' IF (line_display_direction EQ 'UP' OR $ line_display_direction EQ 'DOWN') THEN BEGIN ; IN IDL TV command rows go up the screen IF (line_display_direction EQ 'DOWN') THEN $ array0 = REVERSE(array0,2) ; Sample direction must be left or right. IF (sample_display_direction EQ 'LEFT') THEN BEGIN array0 = REVERSE(array0,1) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (sample_display_direction NE 'RIGHT') THEN BEGIN PRINT,'read_pds: Incompatible display_directions' STOP ENDIF ENDELSE ENDIF; END UP or DOWN IF (line_display_direction EQ 'LEFT' OR $ line_display_direction EQ 'RIGHT') THEN BEGIN ; Transpose the first 2 dimensions dims = INDGEN(SIZE(array0,/n_dimension)) dims[0:1] = [1,0] ; Now sample is line and line is sample array0 = TRANSPOSE(array0, dims) IF (line_display_direction EQ 'LEFT') THEN $ array0 = REVERSE(array0,1) ; Sample direction must be up or down. IF (sample_display_direction EQ 'DOWN') THEN BEGIN array0 = REVERSE(array0,2) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (sample_display_direction NE 'UP') THEN BEGIN PRINT,'read_pds: Incompatible display_directions' STOP ENDIF ENDELSE ENDIF; end left or right ENDIF ; end no_reorient ; Swap endianess of array if needed IF (LSB EQ 1) THEN $ SWAP_ENDIAN_INPLACE, array0, /SWAP_IF_BIG_ENDIAN $ ELSE $ SWAP_ENDIAN_INPLACE, array0, /SWAP_IF_LITTLE_ENDIAN ; Scale the data if needed IF (scaling eq 1) THEN BEGIN IF KEYWORD_SET(dscale) THEN $ array0 = TEMPORARY(array0)*scaling_factor[0]+value_offset[0] $ ELSE $ array0 = TEMPORARY(array0)*FLOAT(scaling_factor[0]) + FLOAT(value_offset[0]) ENDIF NImages++ ; incriment the image number and create a structure for array imagen = 'Array' + STRTRIM(STRING(NImages),1) IF (array_name EQ 'Unknown') then array_name = imagen Result = EXECUTE(array_name + " = { array_type : dataseti, " + $ "description: description[0], units : units[0], " + $ "axis_names : axis_name, axis_units : axis_units, " + $ "line_display_direction : line_display_direction, " + $ "sample_display_direction : sample_display_direction, " + $ specials + $ "array : array0}") ; Prepare string for creating output structure execString += ', '+ array_name + ' : ' + array_name END ; 'ARRAY_2D_IMAGE' 'TABLE': BEGIN tabletype = dataset_split[1] Ntables++ tablen = 'table' + STRTRIM(STRING(Ntables),1) ; If there is a local_identifier use that for tablename. ; But, make idl_valid if needed. IF TOTAL(STRMATCH(TAG_NAMES(meta),'LOCAL_IDENTIFIER') EQ 1) THEN $ table_name = IDL_VALIDNAME(meta.local_identifier._text, $ /convert_all, /convert_spaces) $ ELSE $ table_name = tablen table = pds_read_table(unit,meta,cursor,Ntables,tabletype,nonans) Result = EXECUTE(table_name + " = table") execString += ', '+ table_name + ' : ' + table_name END ; 'TABLE' ; Ignore comments at this level 'COMMENT': ELSE: BEGIN PRINT,' This format is unknown ', dataseti Stop ; Bundle ; Bundle_Member_Entry ; Encoded_Image ; Header_Encoded ; Stream_Text END ENDCASE ENDFOR; end loop on nmeta ENDFOR ; end loop on dataset[dd] FREE_LUN, unit ; Now make data_struct with all substructures Result = EXECUTE('data_struct = { title : title, date : systime(), creation : creation_datetime[0], data_file : datafile' + execString + '}') RETURN, data_struct END ; FUNCTION READ_PDS