FUNCTION READ_VOTABLE,filename, metadata=metadata ;+ ; NAME: ; READ_VOTABLE ; ; PURPOSE: ; READ a VOTable.xml document into IDL (Interactive Data Language, ITT). ; This function reads the file and parses the XML document ; It outputs a structure where each tag is an array holding a column ; (field). ; It optionally outputs a structure with all of the metadata in the ; VOTable (fieldname, units, description, datatype) ; It also optionally outputs a 2D string array holding the table values. ; In metadata, items with text info, such as description, the text is in ; the child element _text. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Datafile handling; XML, Virtual Observatory ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; table_struct = READ_VOTABLE(filename,metadata=metadata) ; ; INPUTS: ; filename - Name of VOTable.xml file to read (string) ; ; OUTPUTS: ; table_struct - A structure where each tag is an array holding a column from the table. ; If there is more than one table in the VOTable, then they are all there ; and tagged TABLE1, TABLE2, etc. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; metadata - an IDL structure holding all of the info in the VOTable.xml ; ; ; PROCEDURES USED: ; READ_XML, XML2IDL, GET_TAGS ; ; PACKAGE LOCATION: ; ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Ed Shaya / U of Maryland [July 19, 2012] ; Added datatypes (bit, int, boolean) and increased size for long. Ed Shaya (Nov 8, 2013) ; Nov 24 Fixed a bug for empty elements ; And for these added NaNs for float and double and large negative number for int, long, long64 ; ;- ;----------------------------------------------------------------- metadata=read_xml(filename) settags = get_tags(metadata) tables = gettagsbyname(metadata,'\.TABLE(__[0-9]*)?$',settags=settags) IF (N_ELEMENTS(tables) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN PRINT,'read_votable: No tables found' PRINT,'Halting' STOP ENDIF ntables = N_ELEMENTS(tables) executestring = '' IF (ntables GT 1) THEN tablen = strarr(ntables) FOR tbl = 0, ntables - 1 DO BEGIN ; table_array comes right off all of the _text nodes. table_array = gettagsbyname(metadata,$ tables[tbl]+'[0-9]*)?.td(__[0-9]*)?._text',$ /getvalues,settags=settags) IF (N_ELEMENTS(table_array) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN PRINT,'read_votable: No table data found' PRINT,'Halting' STOP ENDIF ; Gather info on the fields of the table fieldnames = gettagsbyname(metadata,$ tables[tbl]+'.FIELD(__[0-9]*)?.name',/getvalues,settags=settags) IF (N_ELEMENTS(fieldnames) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN PRINT,'read_votable: No fieldnames found' PRINT,'Halting' STOP ENDIF fieldnames = IDL_VALIDNAME(fieldnames , /CONVERT_ALL , /CONVERT_SPACES) datatypes = gettagsbyname(metadata,$ tables[tbl]+'.FIELD(__[0-9]*)?.datatype',/getvalues,settags=settags) IF (N_ELEMENTS(datatypes) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN PRINT,'read_votable: No datatypes found' PRINT,'Halting' STOP ENDIF IF (N_ELEMENTS(table_array) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN PRINT,'read_votable: No tables found' PRINT,'Halting' STOP ENDIF ; Create string to execute that creates table_stuct. fieldstring = '' FOR i = 0, N_ELEMENTS(fieldnames)-1 DO BEGIN field = reform(table_array[i,*]) whnull = WHERE(field EQ '',nnull) CASE datatypes[i] OF 'boolean': 'bit': 'unicodeChar': 'floatComplex': field = complex(field) 'doubleComplex': field = complex(field,/double) 'char': 'short': BEGIN field = fix(field) IF (nnull GT 0) THEN field[whnull]= -9999 END 'int': BEGIN field = long(field) IF (nnull GT 0) THEN field[whnull]= -99999999 END 'long': BEGIN field = long64(field) IF (nnull GT 0) THEN field[whnull]= -99999999999 END 'float': BEGIN field = float(field) IF (nnull GT 0) THEN field[whnull]= !VALUES.F_NAN END 'double': BEGIN field = double(field) IF (nnull GT 0) THEN field[whnull]= !VALUES.D_NAN END 'unsignedByte': field = byte(field) ELSE: BEGIN PRINT,'read_votable: This datatype not handled ',datatypes[i] PRINT,'Halting' STOP END ENDCASE result = EXECUTE(fieldnames[i]+' = field') fieldstring = fieldstring + ','+fieldnames[i]+':'+fieldnames[i] ENDFOR fieldstring = STRMID(fieldstring,1) Result = EXECUTE('table_struct = {'+fieldstring+'}') IF (ntables GT 1) THEN BEGIN tablen[tbl] = 'TABLE'+STRTRIM(STRING(tbl+1),2) ;Create individual structures for each table: ;eg TABLE2_struct = {TABLE2:table_struct} Result = EXECUTE(tablen[tbl] + '_struct = table_struct') executestring = executestring+','+tablen[tbl]+' : '+tablen[tbl]+'_struct' ENDIF ENDFOR ; If multiple tables, create structure holding all of the tables IF (ntables GT 1) THEN BEGIN get_date,date Result = EXECUTE('table_struct = {Created: date'+executestring+'}') ENDIF metadata = metadata.votable RETURN, table_struct END