FUNCTION readfile,file,filter=filter ;+ ; NAME ; READFILE ; ; PURPOSE ; Read a text file into a string array ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; return = readfile([file,filter=filter]) ; ; INPUTS ; file - name of file to read ; ; filter - string to be used to filter files when using pickfile widget to select file. ; ; PACKAGE LOCATION ; ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY ; Written by Ed Shaya (UMd) [May 3, 2012] ;- ;-------------- ON_ERROR,1 IF ~KEYWORD_SET(file) THEN $ file = DIALOG_PICKFILE(filter=filter) IF (file eq '') THEN BEGIN MESSAGE,'readfile: No file selected' ENDIF OPENR, lun, file, /GET_LUN ; Read one line at a time, saving the result into array array = '' line = '' WHILE NOT EOF(lun) DO BEGIN READF, lun, line array = [array, line] ENDWHILE ; Close the file and free the file unit FREE_LUN, lun RETURN, array END