ASTR100 EXAM I, Hamilton, Spring 2010

Exam I Statistics

High Score: 97
Top 1/4: 81-97
Next 1/4: 72.5-80.5
Class Average: 72.5
Next 1/4: 62-72
Lowest 1/4: 0-61.5

Exam I Curve

A: 84-100
B: 76.5-83.5
C: 60-76
D: 51-59.5
F: less than 51

Exam I Solutions

Multiple Choice Answers:

Check the number on the upper left of your exam to make sure that you are looking at the right answer key!

Exam 1 (Yellow)

Exam 2 (Pink)

Exam 3 (White)

Exam 4 (Blue)

Short Answer Questions:

Please ask you TA to explain in your discussion section.