There were two quizzes! Make sure that you check your multiple choice answers against the correct key. Quiz A ------- 1. A. 2. C. 3. B. 4. D. 5. B. 6. C. 7. B. 8. E. 9. E. 10. A. Q1: (2 * 10^1000) * (5 * 10^1000) / 100 = (2 * 5) * (10^1000 * 10^1000) /100 = (10) * (10^2000) /100 = (10^1 * 10^2000 * 10^-2) = 10^1999 Q2: Picture of Elliptical orbit - something like this if you can imagine rounding out the corners and making all straight lines curved! The Sun is off center by Kepler's first law. ---------------------- / \ Winter | Sun | Summer \ / ---------------------- Summer for Mercury occurs when the planet is closest to the Sun. By Kepler's 2nd law, the planet moves fastest (equal area in equal times) at this location. It moves slowest at its most distant point from the Sun. So summer on Mercury is shorter than winter. Quiz B ------- 1. C. 2. C. 3. E. 4. E. 5. C. 6. D. 7. B. 8. E. 9. E. 10. E. Q1: (3 * 10^1000) * (3 * 10^2000) / 300 = (3 * 3 / 3) * (10^1000 * 10^2000) / 100 = 3 * 10^3000 /100 = 3 * 10^2998 Q2: Same as for Quiz A