ASTR120 Syllabus Cover Sheet

Syllabus Cover Sheet (10 Points)
ASTR 120 (Hamilton)
Due Thursday Sept. 6

Your Name:______________________________________________ Student Number:________________________________

Local Phone Number:____________________________________ Home Phone Number:______________________________

Email Address:________________________________________

1. Do you have access to the Internet and World Wide Web? If so, go the class web page at and bookmark it! Then follow the link to the "Astronomy Picture of the Day" and then tell me what you see. If you do not have easy Internet access, tell me so (you'll need to get access soon - your TA can help).



2. What do you most want to find out about in this course?





3. When have you last had some astronomy education?
_____ at U. Maryland
_____ at another college
_____ as a junior or senior in high school
_____ as a freshman or sophomore in high school
_____ in junior high school
_____ in elementary school
_____ in utero

4. Check the highest level math that you've studied. We'll use algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and possibly some light calculus in ASTR120.
_____ calculus
_____ trigonometry
_____ geometry
_____ algebra
_____ fractions
_____ addition
_____ counting

5. Read the syllabus and follow the link to the Student Honor Code page. Define "Plagiarism."





I have read the syllabus and understand how my grade for ASTR120 will be determined. I have read and agree to abide by all points laid out in the Student Honor Code.

Signed __________________________________________________________________ Dated ___________________________________