Some Corrections for de Pater and Lissauer, Planetary Sciences

Updated Second Edition, Second Printing, 2016

Older version? See errata for the Second Edition, First Printing (2010) or for the Second Edition, Second Printing (2011). Updates also found in these previous editions are in black font.

Chapter 1

  • p. 10, Table 1.5. Many small inner satellites from Table 1.4 are not included in Table 1.5. Polydeuces, Pallene are included in both Tables, but Anthe, Methone, Perdita, Cupid, Mab, Naiad, and Thalassa are absent from Table 1.5. The small saturnian moon Aegaeon is missing from both tables. I'd also suggest removing the roman numerals identifying the satellites from both Tables 1.4 and 1.5 as most readers do not need these. If the roman numerals stay, at least format them identically in both tables.

    Chapter 2

  • p. 27, 1st paragraph of 2.2.1. In the two center of mass equations, "m1" in the numerator should be "m2" and "m2" in the numerator should be "m1". Credit: Jason Aufdenberg, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
  • p. 27, second column, third paragraph. The first expression with 27 is correct. Fix the second expression with 25 a few lines down. The confusion arises because the mass ratio m1/m2 ~ 25.
  • p. 41, Fig. 2.20 (c). Bold, solid, and dashed arrows are undefined.

    Chapter 3

  • p. 57, Eq. 3.6 and 3.7. A different symbol is needed here. The second equation give the flux density in the z direction. The first has no directionality. Eq. 3.41a,b are also directional.
  • p. 70. The two cited equations immediately above Eq. 3.80b should be 3.78 and 3.79. Credit: Jason Aufdenberg, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

    Chapter 5

  • p. 239, Problem 5.4.I. Albite is favored at both temperatures for P < 0.6 Gpa; high pressure is needed for Jadeite + Quartz to be favored. See Presumably the problem assumes a pressure/temperature relation in its definition of Cp. This should be stated.

    Chapter 6

  • p. 252 Eq. 6.25 and just before 6.24. The units of the 2GMh/R^2 term is wrong: an additional R in the denominator is required. Also, the order of the G and M symbols should be the same in each expression for consistency.
  • p. 264 last paragraph of tenth's -> tenths
  • p. 265 six lines up from the bottom of column 2. additon -> addition

    Chapter 7

  • p. 290, Eq. 7.10b. vector = scalar problem. (vector v -> scalar vperp?)
  • p. 295, Eq. 7.30 and Fig. 7.11. While correct and consistent here, standard notation has MB aligned along the positive z axis.
  • p. 295, Eq. 7.41. There is a quadrant ambiguity here.
  • p. 297, Eq. 7.51. The mo in denominator should be an m = γr mo. E should be explicitly stated to be the Kinetic Energy.
  • p. 299, Eqs. 7.60, 7.61, and text between them. No need to introduce a new symbol since μb = μB.

    Chapter 8

  • p. 353. Halflife for 235U is mildly inconsistent in Eq. 8.6b and Table 8.3. (Credit: Mahmuda Afrin Badhan).

    Chapter 10

  • p. 409, bottom of the first column. The number 5 x 104 AU-1 is far too large! Perhap 5 x 10-4 or 2 x 10-5 is meant here.
  • p. 414, Eq. 10.8. The script Q and ν0 symbols should be defined.
  • p. 419. "dust tail becomes visible in the antisolar direction." -> dust tail becomes visible in the solar direction.
  • p. 437, Table 10.2. This could be updated with the Rosetta orbiter as well as with other flybys, e.g. the Deep Impact encounter with Hartley 2 (Nov. 4, 2010).

    Chapter 11

  • p. 450, Fig. 11.5. Synchronous orbit for Uranus should be 2/3 of the way from Perdita's orbit to Puck's (~10% further out than plotted). Amalthea should be about midway between the synchronous and Roche limits at Jupiter.

  • p. 469, text after Eq. 11.18a. The statement about mz being even for horizontal forcing and odd for vertical forcing is only true for Lindblad and Vertical resonances (as defined here) which are a subset of all possible resonances. The correct statement is that mz + m'z is always even (vertical frequencies must come in pairs), where m'z is the coefficient of μ on the right hand side of 11.18b, 11.18c, or their generalization.

    Chapter 12

  • p. 505, Figure 12.21. "Error bars for the points" discussed in the caption are not visible in the data.

  • p. 505, bottom of first paragraph. "This is in contrast to our Solar System" (discussion of overstability). Is this fair? Of course the orbital periods of exoplanets are more widely separated than that of Solar System planets - they have large eccentricities and hence must be more widely spaced!

    Chapter 13

  • p. 520, Figure 13.5. The data does not come from the cited paper (Furlan 2006) which is a paper on Spitzer IRS spectra only. Furlan (2006) does include the IRS spectra of AB Aur, but HR 4796A is not included in their sample. Credit: Jessica Donaldson.

  • p. 520, last paragraph. Although Beta Pictoris is a main sequence star, the wording here seems to imply it is older. Beta Pictoris is a main sequence star, but at ~12 Myrs old it is a very young main sequence star. Perhaps change "main sequence" -> young main sequence. Credit: Jessica Donaldson. Found another reference suggesting an age of 20-26 Myr.

    Last Updated: Oct. 26, 2018
    Doug Hamilton

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