\documentstyle[11pt]{article} \textheight 22cm \textwidth 16cm \hoffset= -0.6in \voffset= -0.5in \setlength{\parindent}{0cm} \setlength{\parskip}{15pt plus 2pt minus 2pt} \newcommand{\be}{\begin{equation}} \newcommand{\ee}{\end{equation}} \begin{document} {\Large ASTR688S Homework \# 2 - due Thursday, March 14.} 1. Apollo 13 is on a circular orbit 100km above the Earth's surface. It fires its engines and produces a tangential velocity which will take it to the Moon. In a two-body approximation (Earth, spacecraft) how much extra velocity must be added to put the spacecraft onto an orbit whose apocenter is at the Moon? What is the minimum extra velocity that might enable the spacecraft to get to the Moon in the three-body approximation (Earth, Moon, spacecraft)? Jacobi's integral could be useful here ... 2. Hyperbolic Orbits. a) A particle is projected at great distance from a star of mass M and radius $r_0$ with velocity V, such that, neglecting the attraction of the star it would approach the star at a minimum distance (impact parameter) $b$. Find $b_{crit}$ such that the particle just strikes the Sun. Now let the star move through a stationary field of particles with $n_0$ particles per unit volume. Derive Eddington's formula for accretion: \be A= \pi r_0^2 n_0 \biggr(V + {2 M G \over r_0 V}\biggr) \ee Which term dominates for the Sun (assume $V\approx 26$km/s)? b) For a hyperbolic orbit, show that the incoming speed (far from the Sun) equals the outgoing speed (far from the Sun). Find the deflection angle (the angle between the incoming and outgoing velocity vectors) as a function of the Sun's mass, the velocity $V$, and the impact parameter $b$. This is the first step in calculating gravity assist trajectories for spacecraft. 3. Parabolic Orbits. a) Tisserand's criteria is applicable to both bound and unbound orbits. Write down a simplified version of the Tisserand Criteria for an object (a comet, say) on a nearly parabolic orbit. Show that a parabolic prograde orbit (with $I < 90\deg$) cannot be perturbed to a parabolic retrograde orbit ($I>90\deg$) by the action of Jupiter alone. Can you explain physically why this is so? Can a parabolic prograde comet be perturbed onto a retrograde ellipse? \\ b) Consider an $I=0$ parabolic comet with a pericenter approach distance of 1AU. Make a plot showing the possible elliptical $I=0$ and $I=180\deg$ orbits that can result (include the orientation of the new orbit's pericenter if you can). 4. Learn about Xephem! Use it to answer the following questions. During which years is Pluto is closer to the Sun than Neptune? What is the angular distance between Mars and Saturn on the sky on March 22, 1996 at 0:00 UT? When is the first time after March 22 that the Apollo 11 landing site comes into sunlight? At what times on March 22 are the various planets observable from Maryland? At what time is Jupiter's red spot first visible from the Earth on March 22? Tell me what you like and dislike about Xephem! 5. - 8. Do problems 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, and 12.4 from the Planet Formation handout. E=Easy, I=Intermediate, A=Advanced. \enddocument}