; ; set up for wrapped text as default (setq default-major-mode 'text-mode) (add-hook 'text-mode-hook' (lambda () (auto-fill-mode 1))) (modify-syntax-entry ?\$ "." text-mode-syntax-table) ; ; choose the right spell-checking program (setq-default ispell-program-name "aspell") ; ; highlight latex files; switch on and off in Options menu ; may be slow in large files and would need to be switched off ; references in manual under Font Lock (add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock) ; same for c files (add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock) ; same for fortran files (add-hook 'fortran-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock) ; same for html files (add-hook 'html-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock) ; ;; Use Notepad to print plain text files to the default Windows printer ; From gnu-emacs help pages (setq lpr-command "notepad") (setq lpr-headers-switches '("/p")) ; \ mis-use these (setq lpr-switches nil) ; / two variables (setq printer-name nil)