cp - Contour Plot an image					RWW & MWP


cm 50,-50,-30,50,51,41,vl:6,14;cp     The cm command puts its results in image
				1 and cp makes the contour plot with automatic
				contour step selection. (Assuming that a
				previous cp didn't set the image number.)
				The three default labels will be used.

af "fits.out" 2;cp 2 st:.5 mlb:"Orion A Region IRAS 100mu"
				The FITS file fits.out is associated with 
				image 2 and a contour plot made with step size
				0.5 and the specified label.

cp				Makes a contour plot using all defaults or old

cp sc:[.5,9,1,29,1.5,49,2,69,3,89,4,9,6,29,8,49,10,69]  to specify a non
				uniform set of contour levels or line types.
				Line types are explained in fl - type 'fl ??'.

af:"datacube"; cp pl:0_63 st:.5   Successively contour 64 planes of a data cube.
			          Comb will wait for a carriage return between 

cp pl:0_63 pst:2 st:0.5           Contour every other plane between planes 0 
                                  and 63 of a data cube. Comb will wait for a 
                                  carriage return between plots.

cp pl:63; do 63 {cp pl:&-1}       Successively contour 64 planes of a data cube,
				  stepping backwards through the cube. Don't 
                                  wait for a carriage return.

cp blb:""			replot without the contour levels shown in lower
				left corner


Make a contour plot of an image.  With images generated by cm or vc or wc, 
a complete set of default labels will be available whether the image was
just made or read from a FITS file.  With other FITS files the x and y
labels should be reasonable, but there will be no main label.  Hatch
marks toward lower values are plotted if you specify a non-zero length
for hcl:.

If automatic contour level selection is used, ~10 levels will be
selected using the same algorithm that is used for scaling the axes of
graphs.  The number of levels may be specified with the nl: parameter,
but it is more useful to specify the step size with st:.  sc: (specify
contours) allows you to pick the contour levels and line types in any
way (see the example above for the easiest way to use sc:).  Line types
are explained in the documentation for fl - type 'fl ??' to read it.

The option "pl:" allows for contouring of an arbitrary plane or range of planes 
of a data cube (see 'wc').  If a range is given, comb waits for a carriage 
return between successive plots. Use "pst:" to specify a plane step interval 
other than 1 (just like 'gt istep:'); "pst:" must be positive. Note that planes
start at plane 0 and run to plane [NAXIS3 - 1].  

If a cube is being contoured, the third axis type and value (usually velocity) 
of the current plane is printed. Note that in standard FITS datacubes, 
velocities are meter/sec.

This document was last updated on Tue Oct 17 16:24:05 EDT 2000 by Marc W. Pound.