wf - Write an image or spectrum to a FITS file			RWW


cm 50,-50 -30,50 51 41 vl:8,12;wf	Make a space-space image and write the
				result as a FITS file on the tape drive
				(assuming that wf has not been previously
				given a file name).

wf "fits.out" im:2 o:"OrionA" tel:"BTL-7M"	Write a FITS file of image
				2 in the file fits.out.  Put object and
				telescope cards in the header.

wf ff:"A_Spectrum" st:		Write out stack 1 as a FITS spectrum

c #=9 ;do 120 {rt #=#+1;wf "/dev/rmt12" st:1};wf ct:
				write 120 stacks as FITS files on the mag tape
				at high density.  Close the tape at the end
				(Writes 2 EOF's and back spaces over the 2nd.

wf "fits.out" im:2 bitpx:16	Write a FITS file of image 2 in the file 
				fits.out. Force BITPIX to be 16.


Wf writes a FITS file of a given image or spectrum on the magnetic tape
(startup default) or a named file.  When writing a spectrum, you must
give the st: flag. Optionally name the Object and
telescope.  vc and cm can also name the object.  The vc or cm name
will be overwritten if you specify a name in wf.  Object and telescope
names are set to blank and must be given for each call to wf.

The 'revy:' flag is used to force the FITS file to have cdelt2 negative and
the lines of data in the file starting at the top of the image.  Dmin and
dmax can be used to set the scale of the short ints in the image array.
These features are only useful if you want to use the FITS image
array in some non-FITS format.  The label 'bitpx:' is used to force the output
FITS file to have a certain BITPIX (8,16,-32). 

!! NOTE !! When writing to a device (file name starts with "/dev"), wf
leaves it open for writing between calls.  This greatly improves the
efficiency of writing tapes, but can leave the tape with only one EOF
if you manually remove it before either quitting comb or giving the
'wf ct:' command.

This document was last updated on Tue Oct 17 16:24:05 EDT 2000 by Marc W. Pound.