CARMA First-Light Correlator Spectral-line Configurations Kevin P. Rauch Astronomy Dept, University of Maryland, College Park The spectral-line capabilities of an interim CARMA correlator based on an expansion of the current COBRA digital hardware is discussed. It is found that the COBRA correlator FPGAs can support the previously proposed channel resolutions for the widest bandwidths (16 channels @ 500 MHz and 32 channels @ 250 MHz), whereas for narrower bandwidths the maximum resolution is a factor of two below the original estimates (64 channels @ 8 and 2 MHz). It may be possible to increase resolution by using higher density FPGAs in new correlator cards; however, the concomitant increase in power dissipation is a serious concern, and careful study would be needed to determine its feasibility. Alternatively, additional bands could be added (proportionately increasing hardware costs).