#include #include #include #include #include "nr.h" using namespace std; // Driver for routine caldat int main(void) { const string name[]={"","january","february","march", "april","may","june","july","august","september", "october","november","december"}; int i,id,idd,im,imm,iy,iyy,j,n; string txt; ifstream fp("dates1.dat"); // Check whether caldat properly undoes the operation of julday if (fp.fail()) NR::nrerror("Data file dates1.dat not found"); getline(fp,txt); fp >> n; getline(fp,txt); cout << endl << setw(15) << "original date:"; cout << setw(44) << "reconstructed date:" << endl; cout << setw(8) << "month" << setw(6) << "day" << setw(7) << "year"; cout << setw(16) << "julian day" << setw(13) << "month"; cout << setw(6) << "day" << setw(7) << "year" << endl << endl; for (i=0;i < n;i++) { fp >> im >> id >> iy; getline(fp,txt); j=NR::julday(im,id,iy); NR::caldat(j,imm,idd,iyy); cout << setw(10) << name[im] << setw(4) << id << setw(7) << iy; cout << setw(14) << j << setw(17) << name[imm]; cout << setw(4) << idd << setw(7) << iyy << endl; } return 0; }