/* Driver for routine chder */ #include #include #define NRANSI #include "nr.h" #define NVAL 40 #define PIO2 1.5707963 float func(float x) { return x*x*(x*x-2.0)*sin(x); } float fder(float x) { return 4.0*x*(x*x-1.0)*sin(x)+x*x*(x*x-2.0)*cos(x); } int main(void) { int i,mval; float a=(-PIO2),b=PIO2,x; float c[NVAL],cder[NVAL]; chebft(a,b,c,NVAL,func); /* Test derivative */ for (;;) { printf("\nHow many terms in Chebyshev evaluation?\n"); printf("Enter n between 6 and %2d. (n=0 to end).\n",NVAL); scanf("%d",&mval); if ((mval <= 0) || (mval > NVAL)) break; chder(a,b,c,cder,mval); printf("\n%9s %14s %16s\n","x","actual","Cheby. deriv."); for (i = -8;i<=8;i++) { x=i*PIO2/10.0; printf("%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f\n", x,fder(x),chebev(a,b,cder,mval,x)); } } return 0; } #undef NRANSI