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ASTR615 Survey Results

Fall 2011

12 respondents (100%)

  1. Computer familiarity [1=Master, 5=None]:
    Avg = 3 [Skilled], range from [Expert] to [Help me!]
  2. Most of you have access to a Mac (66%) or Linux (dept account)
  3. Unix familiarity [1=Master, 5=None]:
    Avg = 3.5 [Novice], range from [Expert] to [Unix?]

  4. Unix commands:
    1. cat: 5/12 correct (41%)
    2. grep: 7/12 correct (58%)
    3. sed: 0 correct (0%)
    4. awk: 0 correct (0%)
    5. make: 8/12 correct (66%)

  5. Fortran familiarity [1=Master, 5=None]:
    Avg = 4.6 [None], range from [Novice] to [None]

  6. Java familiarity [1=Master, 5=None]:
    Avg = 4.6 [None], range from [Skilled] to [None]

  7. C familiarity [1=Master, 5=None]:
    Avg = 3.75 [Novice], range from [Expert] to [Novice]

  8. C statements:
    1. increment: 8/12 correct (66%)
    2. loop: 7/12 correct (58%)
    3. pointers: 4/12 correct (33%)
    4. malloc: 6/12 correct (50%)
    5. structures: 1/12 correct (8%)

  9. Other languages: many of you know Pythoni! IDL and Matlab follow

  10. sm familiarity [1=Master, 5=None]:
    Avg = 4.75 [None] from [Novice] to [None]

  11. Other plotting/visualization packages:
    1. gnuplot: a few (4/12)
    2. IDL: best known (9/12)
    3. Matlab: (7/12)
    4. Other: Python, Visit (3D rendring)

  12. Do you know how to?
    1. Deal with multimedia content: 7 (60%)
    2. Create animation: 6 (50%)
    3. Print colour output: 8 (66%)
    4. Use PowerPoint or OpenOffice: 12 (100%)

  13. Have you ever?
    1. Used a supercomputer: 0 (0%)
    2. Written parallel code: 4 (33%)
    3. Written assembly code: 0 (0%)
    4. Used revision/maintenance software: 1 (8%)
    5. Written HTML code: 9 (75%)

Number of respondents who supplied their name: 10 (83%)

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Massimo Ricotti 2011-09-05