(15 Feb 2001) Installing AIPS++ 1.5 on a Mandrake 7.1 release ('Helium') ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (sigh, after not being able to get a clone of a redhat 6.2 system) We'll be doing a consortium installation, but as a mortal (teuben) user, not aips2adm or whichever they prefer, since we have no control over the usernames here. What follows below closely follows the 'AIPS++ Installtion' section in the "AIPS++ System Manual", but there are some outdated sections in there. mkdir -p /cetus/aips15/code cd /cetus/aips15/code (df showed 12 GB free) ncftp aips2.nrao.edu cd /pub/code mget README VERSION configure install-* quit # note it also gets some older install- files chmod +x configure ./configure --source # we will only install the latest (15.000 in my case) # accept 'linux_egcs' as architecture # we're using 'umd' as site name # enter some numbers like numcpu, lp/letter for printer # in makedefs etc. a lot of output to screen, not readable..... what to edit now ..... I wind up removing the makedefs file in $AIPSARCH/umd, and replacing it with the one i figured would work for redhat6.2 Few minor changes for mandrake7.1 - (egcs -> gcc) # copy $MIRLIB/*pgplot* stuff to $AIPSLIB # copy libblas* liblapack* from old $AIPSLIB into new $AIPSLIB # copy XmPgplot.h to $AIPSLIB # copy libXmPgplot.a to $AIPSLIB # old compiler on rh62 was egcs (2.91.66) - new one on mdk is # gcc (2.95.3) # The file /cetus/aips15/code/build.log contains a log of # this bootstrap install. The actual install (inhale) can # now begin. # first load in the proper environment source /cetus/aips15/aipsinit.csh # now inhale, but we want to only do up to the latest stable (-b), # 15.200 in our case. And we're not making it (-n), we'll gmake it # afterwards... inhale -n -b # now the install can start mkdir ../logs-teuben gmake allsys >& ../logs-teuben/LOG.15.200 # pretty decent, aips++ started, but two minor problems # apparent: # - $AIPSDATA not there, that causes complaints # solved it by symlinking to the other release on disk, since # $AIPSDATA might as well be shared by all distributions # # - $PGPLOT_DIR not set, also problem, make it $AIPSLIB # but even after than # - pgplot.g was never copied into $AIPSEXEC, do that manually, i found # it in code/aips/glish/glish/clients/glishtk/pgplot/linux_egcs/pgplot.g Error in the LOGS when starting up AIPS++ Neither pgplot environment variables PGPLOT_FONT, PGPLOT_DIR are not defined: labelling on plots will not be available Recommend setting PGPLOT_FONT to location of pgplot grfont.dat file Environment is not optimum for AIPS++ ---- If you want to do local development: cd ~/aips++ mktree (say yes, to mirror the tree) cd code/bima/apps/bimafiller gmake bimafiller (this will compile with -g) ---