Example of output from astute's run on N253 data

You will need a series of 8 files, e.g. ngc253_fullcube_compact_SPW_0_contsub_clean.fits, and run this command

 casapy --nogui -c $ASTUTE/examples/n253.py

to get the following type of output from casa (for pictures sampled from this process, see here)

CASA Version 4.1.0 (r24592)
  Compiled on: Mon 2013/05/20 18:07:07 UTC

Astute (version 29-may-2013) initialized [ASTUTE NEMO MIRIAD CASA]

====== Working on  ngc253_fullcube_compact_SPW_2_contsub_clean  converting to  w_2_c  ======
Range in sky  freq: 99.916740858 101.783948965
Range in rest freq: 99.9954584093 101.864137562  for vlsr= 236.0
Found 1006 lines between  99.999760 and 101.855660 GHz [w_2_c/slines.list]
in_range:  99.9976187306 ( hc3n @ 100.0764 )  Peak/Flux/RMS= [ 11.88631821] [ 59.14848018] [ 0.73351365]
in_range:  100.559675924 ( ch3oh @ 100.6389 )  Peak/Flux/RMS= [ 2.50078368] [ 7.26588273] [ 0.20645697]
in_range:  101.059542114 ( ch3sh @ 101.13916 )  Peak/Flux/RMS= [ 0.83301914] [ 1.49676224] [ 0.13868052]
in_range:  101.39799547 ( h2cs_1 @ 101.47788 )  Peak/Flux/RMS= [ 1.05792773] [ 5.00657558] [ 0.16031381]
Identified 4 lines (still faking it)
### nemo Debug Info: FITS file: Image size 640 640 276
### Warning [fitsccd]: Setting map minimum from 0 to -0.0129417
### Warning [fitsccd]: Setting map maximum from 0 to 0.15494
### nemo Debug Info: There were 91067133 blank values in the image
### Warning [fits]:  26 unrecognised cards were written to the history file

fits: CVS Revision 1.23, 2013/03/05 16:01:13 UTC

Phase and pointing centers differ ... saving pointing information
Some pixels were blanked ... A blanking mask was created
VelSw: 07-Jul-97
### Informational [imstat]:  xyzsetup: Trying to allocate 226099200 pixels but MAXBUF=10000000
IMSTAT: version 23-mar-2012
LOGOPEN: w_2_c/imstat.tab