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Data output formats

The athena1.0 code can output data in a variety of formats. The time interval at which each data type is written can be selected independently using the <job>dt_XXX variables in the input file. Setting an output interval to 0.0 means no output is given for that type. Output filenames use a naming convention basename.dumpid.type, where the basename is inherited from the <job>problem_id parameter, the dumpid is a zero filled unsigned integer with <job>numdigits7, and the type is either bin (for binary dumps), tab (for tabular dumps), or hst (for history dumps - note that history dump filenames do not include a dumpid).

  1. history dumps: contains a formatted table of a variety of volume integrated values, with one line in the table created every dt_hst in time. Thus, at the end of execution, the output file contains tlim/dt_hst lines which form a time-history of these quantities. The file is created by the function dump_history.c; more (or problem specific) quantities can be added by editing this file. The data is appended to the file each time the dump_history() function is called.
  2. binary dumps: contains an unformatted write of all dependent variables over all active zones. If the fortran option is enabled by configure, then the file will contain header (and footer) bytes which makes the file readable by fortran77 programs (at least on SGI, Solaris and Linux systems). If the dx option is enabled by configure, then an OpenDX header file with the same name as the corresponding binary file but with the extension.dx will be created. This header file allows binary dumps to be read by OpenDX networks (see §7.2). A new file is created with a time interval of dt_bin. Created by the function dump_binary.c.
  3. tabular dumps: contains a formatted table of all dependent variables. A new file is created with a time interval of dt_tab. Created by the function dump_table.c.

HDF dumps are currently not implemented.

It is important to note that output files in athena1.0 will always be silently overwritten!

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