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Obtaining and Installing athena1.0

The source code for athena1.0 can be downloaded as a gzipped tar file from the web. Only the source code can be downloaded. To install and run the code requires only a C compiler.

After downloading the tar file, uncompressing and untarring it, the following directory structure should be created:

          /doc            documentation (this User's Manual)
          /src            source code, and include files
              /prob       problem files (see /src/problem.c for a symbolic link)
          /tst            various input files for tests
          /vis            visualization tools and scripts
              /dx         OpenDX scripts
              /idl        IDL ( scripts
              /nemo       NEMO scripts

The athena1.0 directory will also contain a shell script called configure which has been generated by the GNU autoconf toolkit, as well as several other files used by this toolkit. As described in §3, this script provides command-line control of all of the physics and algorithm options in the code.

The contents of the directories in /athena1.0 are largely self-explanatory. The athena1.0/src directory contains all the source code for athena1.0, including functions to initialize various test problems in the sub-directory /prob. The athena1.0/tst directory contains input files read by the code when running the tests (§8 contains a description and examples of how to run athena1.0). Finally, the directory athena1.0/vis contains some preliminary scripts for visualizing the data created by athena1.0 using three popular graphics packages: OpenDX, IDL, and PGPLOT within the NEMO package. The code will also output data as formatted tables which can be read by other plotting packages such as sm; see §6 for a complete description of the data output formats implemented in athena1.0. Note that the visualization scripts included in athena1.0 are under development, and later versions will have much more sophisticated capabilities.

In addition to the directories listed above (which are created when you untar the source code), two more directories will be created when athena1.0 is compiled or run. These are:

          /bin           contains executable, created by Makefile
          /run           directory created by executable as needed

The /run directory is created through command line input to the athena1.0 executable, and need not have the name ``run". This feature allows multiple jobs to create data in distinct directories as an aid to managing results (see §5.2 for an example of usage).

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