Carma Software Toolkit :

Here is a list of components that we casually refer to as the CARMA Software Toolkit (CST). Some of the links are old components which we decided not to use, but still useful, others we actually use. (See also carma_pkg [restricted access]). Note that some packages listed here depend on packages earlier in the list. Some of these packages are also, or may also become, available through AstroMake.


Software we don't develop, but critically develop on for CARMA is contained as source in a directory we refer to as $CARMA_PKG. The installation treats these "alien" packages differently, since one often only needs one compiled version (referrred to as $CARMA_TOOLS). However, we do maintain easy-to-use set of install scripts that simplify installing them (see $CARMA/conf/opt, and in particular the install_tools script):

related useful links - to be organized

$Id: cst.html,v 1.19 2005/10/27 01:49:44 teuben Exp $