During the annual (5th) ADASS, held last week in Tuscon, AZ, a FITS BoF (Birds of Feathers) was organized by Don Wells and Peter Teuben. I am submitting this initial short report about the meeting, if anybody wants to know more, or react to what has been said here, feel free to follow up the discussion in sci.astro.fits. 1) By using the titles at the conferences, the following papers/posters were dealing with FITS directly: (see also http://noao.*.edu/... for more info on ADASS-V) Oral (Tuesday, 17:00) Don Jennings: FITS and HDF Data Format Interconvertablity Poster: Nelson Zarate: A FITS Image Extension Image Kernel for IRAF Poster: Dan Klinglesmith: Availability of Copernicus UV Data in FITS Format Poster: Arnold H. Rots: The XTE FITS Database Poster: Philip E Hodge: STSDAS Tables Package Uses FITSIO Poster: Clive G. Page: IDA -- A FITS table browser and editor Poster: William Pence: A Versatile New FITS File Viewer and Editor (this poster was minimalistic, next years ADASS will probably show this product in full bloom) 2) News items * NOST standard has been approved by NASA, FITS committees to consider it for formal approval, superceding the four A&A papers. * BINTABLE paper just came out! (Cotton, W.D., Tody, D., and Pence, W.D. 1995. A&A Suppl, 113, 159.) * Some software that we were aware of were released/updated: IDL: MRDFITS (Tom McGlynn, Goddard/CSC), FX* (Bill Thompson, Goddard/ARC), READFITS and WRITEFITS FITSIO: V4.0 is now out. (Version 4.08 - 3-oct-95) FTOOLS: V3.3 is the current version, V3.4 has just officially been released Saoimage, SAOtng: support for WCS now in place (demo at the meeting) * WWW: these should get you to almost anything you want to know about FITS http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/astro/fits/fits_home.html FITS support office; NASA/Hughes STX - Barry Schlesinger. http://fits.cv.nrao.edu/ FITS archive at NRAO; NRAO - Don Wells. ftp://ftphost.hq.eso.org/fits ESO ftp server; ESO - Preben Grosbol. http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/ofwg/fits.html FITS resources within the HEASARC; NASA/HEASARC - Ian George. * WCS * WCS paper revised again, now has an Appendix-A. Wide-field survey people should review this. The paper has recently been substantially changes, included a format change to A&A style macros. See the NRAO WWW * HEASARC proposal to adopt the celestial coordinate keywords as defined in Greisen \ Calabretta WCS paper (Pence) - see HEASARCH WWW * MIME types Application to IANA for FITS MIME code(s) is planned, probably to be 'image/fits', 'application/fits-table' and 'application/fits-image'. The IAU (i.e. Don Wells as the FITS IAU WG chair) should contact IANA for registration and procedures. 3) Individual contributions Don Jennings FITS and HDF communications (w/ Bill Pence - see also their poster) FITS hierarchical grouping proposal - needed for FITS <-> HDF conversion Immanuel Freedman FITS Data Compression: developments in Generic Data Compression, These developments relate to work performed on the COBE project. Field-level COMPRESSIOn extensions. ROW or COLUMN pixel order. Rob Seaman The Checksum proposal was presented and discussed. Peter Teuben Proposal using FITS to interchange theoretical data (Nbody, SPH) Perhaps also related is ``fits_to_hdf''. Experiments with another group thinking about HDF archiving are underway. Peter Teuben teuben@astro.umd.edu Don Wells dwells@nrao.edu