LOADLIN-1.5 released

Hans Lermen (lermen@elserv.ffm.fgan.de)
Tue, 6 Sep 1994 17:55:08 GMT

Announcing Version 1.5 of the LOADLIN Linux Boot Utility for DOS !

(c) Hans Lermen lermen@elserv.ffm.fgan.de

LOADLIN is a DOS-based utility which allows you to boot Linux from:

1) A DOS comand line

2) A DOS batch file

3) The DOS CONFIG.SYS menu facility

LOADLIN eliminates some of the dangers of using LILO, especially for
those new users who have not mastered the intricacies of LILO's
configuration. Your DOS Master Boot Record is not modified in any way.

The LOADLIN package also supports the booting of a UMSDOS system by
providing automatic translation of DOS drive names to Linux device files.

LOADLIN is a follow-on to F.Coutant's BOOTLIN utility. It fully
supports the command line parameters feature of Linux kernels
(revision 0.99pl15 and later). This includes the ability to pass
environment variables to Linux which can then be examined by your
bootup "rc" scripts, to customize the bootup behaviour of Linux.
Boot-time parameters can also be passed to several Linux drivers.

LOADLIN can be run out of virtual 8086 mode (V86) and
has been enhanced to work with most DOS extended-memory
managers. The new LOADLIN-1.5 release now works without
any prior configuration "out of the box", the older stuff
is left in just for compatibility. See the changes file
for more on lot of new features.

The UMSDOS translation feature works with any type of
boot disk which is accessible via BIOS INT13 (for example, IDE and
SCSI disks which are accessed directly via BIOS).

The LOADLIN package includes full source code and documentation.

LOADLIN Version 1.5 will be available by ftp from sunsite.unc.edu
in the file pub/Linux/system/Linux-boot/lodlin15.tgz just as soon
as it is moved from the Incoming directory.

Questions can be directed to: Hans Lermen lermen@elserv.ffm.fgan.de

Following is the LSM entry:

Title = LOADLIN, loads Linux with command line from DOS
Version = 1.5
Desc1 = This is a BOOTLIN-like program that runs under MSDOS.
Desc2 = It can boot Linux from a DOS prompt or CONFIG.SYS, and fully
Desc3 = supports the command line feature of the Linux kernel.
Desc4 = It's very useful in conjunction with precompiled kernel images
Desc5 = because boot configuration can be done without recompilation.
Author = Hans Lermen
AuthorEmail = lermen@elserv.ffm.fgan.de
Maintainer = Hans Lermen
MaintEmail = lermen@elserv.ffm.fgan.de
Site1 = elserv.ffm.fgan.de
Path1 = /pub/linux/loadlin-1.5
File1 = lodlin15.tgz
FileSize1 = 106K
Site2 = sunsite.unc.edu
Path2 = /pub/Linux/system/Linux-boot
File2 = lodlin15.tgz
FileSize2 = 106K
Required1 = Linux > 0.99.14 (better >= 1.0.5, much better >1.1.49)
Required2 = MSDOS (or compatible operating system)
CopyPolicy1 = GPL
Keywords = LOADLIN, BOOT
Comment1 = Also works in virtual-86 mode (VCPI needed). Supports UMSDOS.
Comment2 = Built-in test option (-t) to isolate most problems, with DOS
Comment3 = configuration and/or Linux boot parameters verbose output.
Comment4 = LOADLIN-1.5 now runs out of the box, no configuration needed.
RelFiles1 = loadlin.exe, loadlinX.exe, realbios.exe, biosintv.sys
Entered = 05SEP94
EnteredBy = Hans Lermen
CheckedEmail = lermen@elserv.ffm.fgan.de

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