Re: Virtual Console Indicator

Miquel van Smoorenburg (
Sun, 13 Nov 1994 17:44:06 +0100 (MET)

In article <39tgav$>, Simon Mackinlay <> wrote:
>[On comp.os.linux.misc Harald T. Alvestrand bellowed unto all...]
>: Under tcsh, in .cshrc:
>: if ($?prompt) then
>: setenv TTY `tty | sed -e s:/dev/tty::`
>: set prompt="%m($TTY):%~%# "
>: endif
>: Result:
>: dale(p0):~>
>It's moments like these that I like the col* heirarchy...
>Now - who wants to tell me how to do this with bash?

Allright here it is:

PS1="[${hostname%%.*}(${tty#/dev/tty}):$LOGNAME](\w)> "
|<----------->| |<----------->| |<---->| |<>|
(1) (2) (3) (4)

1. Hostname with domainname stripped off.
2. Tty device minus /dev/tty
3. Login name.
4. Working directory.


| Miquel van Smoorenburg    --    |
|        "Life's too short to use Windows"               |