Typical installation and usage for developers: ---------------------------------------------- 0) Prepare your system by installing (or checking if installed) the following packages: - pgplot - cfitsio - nemo The order under which you install them is somewhat important, e.g. it is adviced to install nemo *after* pgplot and cfitsio 1) Get (or update) your software ("CVS sandbox") cvs checkout wasp2; cd wasp2 or cd wasp2; cvs update 2) Compile and install the software ./configure [install-options] source wasp_start make make install 3a) Start taking data in a newly to be created $WASPDATA waspdata data/test123 serial ... bpcal .... cwsigs ... nobs tint=10 .... 3b) Go to the current default for $WASPDATA in this sandbox of $WASP waspdata nobs tint=10 serial .... 4) Prepare a $WASPDATA for future export, so it can be re-analyzed if need be. A 'waspsave' should always be done before a new 'waspdata' command. waspsave cd $WASPDATA/.. tar zcf /tmp/waspdata_test123.tar.gz test123