Example MMTF spectral scans

These are MMTF scans through somewhat more than 1 free spectral range, using a neon lamp and a 5000/320 A blocking filter borrowed from the AAO's TTF, at a range of different etalon spacings (Z coarse settings). They are provided to aid in line identification.

Because the lines repeat themselves from order to order, when the FSR is smaller than the passband of the blocking filter, lines can appear to be out of sequence. For example, if the FSR is 200 A, the Ne 6507 line can appear at a wavelength that you expect to be "6707". Spectra toward the bottom of this page (higher etalon spacing, higher order, lower FSR) show this.

Approx values of order, FSR, dw/dz from testing in June 2006:

# zc=zcoarse, all at 5000 A, wavelengths in A
#zc zfine  dwdz  fsr  fwhm order-num
-2  ?     0.3727 203  ?    25.1
+1  ?     0.261  140  ?    36.2
+4  ?     ?      ?    ?    ?

The x-axis of the following plots is image number within a scan; the scans were stepped at 15 z units between images.

Front panel Z was -2. The lines are Ne 5037.8, 5080.4, 5116.5, 5037.8, 5080.4 A.

Front panel Z was +1. The lines are Ne 5080.4, 5116.5, 5037.8, 5080.4, 5116.5.

Front panel Z was +4, 0.20. The lines are tentatively Ne 5080.4, 5116.5, 5037.8, 5080.4, 5116.5, 5037.8.

Thanks to the AAO for allowing us to borrow the 5000 A narrowband filter during MMTF commissioning and to Joss Bland-Hawthorn for arranging its loan.

Back to MMTF setup guide

Benjamin Weiner, bjw at as.arizona.edu, 18 May 2007.