Selected events, most recent first

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2004 12 31 15:10:00 Very weak II from confused C8 flare
2004 12 29 16:17:00 Large Type II event
2004 12 08 19:40:00 Simple Type II, harmonic structure.
2004 11 09 16:58:00 M9 flare with large II and IV event.
2004 11 07 15:53:00 X2 flare: first 15 minutes. GBSRBS may be imperfect due to earlier wind damage.
2004 11 03 15:41:00 Large II/IV event from an M6 flare
2004 11 03 15:40:00 M6 flare with strong II/IV complex
2004 10 30 16:19:00 M6 flare with very fast II embedded.
2004 09 19 16:54:00 Complex Type II from an M2 flare
2004 09 08 13:45:00 Reported Type II from Sagamore: doubtful, more likely Type IV structure
2004 09 08 12:35:00 Continuum with slow-drift features but no flare.
2004 08 24 20:55:00 Strong Type II from a B5 flare.
2004 08 24 13:51:00 possible weak harmonic structure.
2004 08 24 13:23:00 B7 flare, possible weak Type II.
2004 08 18 17:30:10 Big complex Type II from X2 flare.
2004 08 12 12:56:00 Possible weak low-frequency Type II.
2004 07 23 15:55:00 Weak Type II, small C1 flare
2004 07 20 12:31:00 M9 flare, pair of Type IIs at onset of major Type IV
2004 07 20 12:00:00 M9 flare, major Type II/Type IV event, long-lived
2004 07 16 13:50:00 X3 flare, no III, strong fadeout followed by Type II
2004 06 26 21:00:00 Weak Type II not reported.
2004 06 03 16:10:00 Type II from CME event beyond west limb.
2004 06 02 22:55:00 Type II event from beyond west limb.
2004 04 12 12:45:00 Slow-drift fundamental-harmonic pair?
2004 04 06 12:29:00 B8 flare followed by an M flare, multiple IIIs
2004 02 14 14:15:00 Cluster of IIIs, possible low-freq II?
2004 01 19 19:55:00 Classic flare: Type IIIs + Type II