Registration Form

Learn the Sky Nights 2006

[Please print and fill out this form, then fax back to Elizabeth at 301-405-3538.]



City:                                                                                                       State:                                     ZIP:                                  

Email:                                                                                                                               Phone:                                                  

I would like to attend:

Beginner Course (6:15 - 8:15pm 7:30-9:30pm)


     na    All 6 nights


  Unfortunately, I can only attend:

     na    Week 1 (24 Jul) -- alt az, satellites, constellations

     na    Week 2 (31 Jul) -- RAdec, starcharts, starhopping

     na    Week 3 (7 Aug) -- types of scopes, telescope making

           Week 4 (14 Aug) -- types of objects, observing lists

           Week 5 (21 Aug) -- astrophotography

           Week 6 (28 Aug) -- solar obs., observing projects

[This course is open to everyone.]

[Session topics are subject to change. Please check the website for up-to-date schedule/presenter information.]

  1. How did you hear about the classes?

  2. Are you a member of an astronomy club? Which one?

  3. Do you own a telescope? What kind?

Pre-Class Quiz!

  1. IR 38 will be visible tonight at 21:14:44 at mag. -5 with an az. of 79° and alt. of 60°. Describe what you will see and where you will have to look.

  2. An object has an RA and dec. of 08h 40m 16.2s and +19d 58' 26". What is it and how did you find out?

  3. Galileo is often credited with inventing the telescope, although the credit should belong to Hans Lippershey for inventing the                                telescope. Newtonian telescopes are                                telescopes. Schmidt- and Maksutov-cassegrains are                               .

  4. How many Messiers have you observed?

  5. What is a galaxy and what does it look like?