All 6 nights
Unfortunately, I can only attend:
Week 1 (15 Jul) -- alt az, satellites, constellations
Week 2 (22 Jul) -- RAdec, starcharts, starhopping
Week 3 (29 Jul) -- types of scopes, telescope making
Week 4 (12 Aug) -- types of objects, observing lists
Week 5 (19 Aug) -- astrophotography
Week 6 (26 Aug) -- solar obs., observing projects
[This course is open to everyone.]
All 6 nights
Unfortunately, I can only attend:
Week 1 (15 Jul) -- CCD, digital image processing
Week 2 (22 Jul) -- TBD
Week 3 (29 Jul) -- TBD
Week 4 (12 Aug) -- TBD
Week 5 (19 Aug) -- TBD
Week 6 (26 Aug) -- TBD
[This course is open to everyone although it will be assumed that you know some basic concepts and already have some experience observing.]