ASTR100: Introduction to Astronomy (Spring 2009), Sections 0101-0106
Class meets TuTh 9:30am-10:45am in PHY 1412. Other basic course information is available from Testudo.
The full course web page is on ELMS (Blackboard), accessible only by students.
The course textbook is The Essential Cosmic Perspective (5th Ed.) and has an associated tutorial website called MasteringAstronomy, accessible to students who purchased the textbook new, or who purchased access to the tutorial site separately.
PLEASE NOTE: Discussion sections will NOT meet the first week of class! The FIRST discussion meeting will be Mon Feb 2 for section 0101. Discussion meets in CSS 2400. Please visit either the ELMS or Testudo sites (links given above) to see the normal weekly schedule for all sections.