Electromagnetic and Light Scattering by Particles

N e w s l e t t e r

March 2022

Issue 104




Dear Colleagues,


We are pleased to announce the 3-rd Advancement of POLarimetric Observations (APOLO-2022) meeting to be held August 9-12, 2022 in Washington, DC (Silver Spring, MD).


Abstract submission is open now and will remain so until April 29th. Registration will begin April 18th and will continue until July 15th.


The conference website is: https://pikesmeetings.wixsite.com/apolo-2022 ; see also https://loa.univ-lille.fr/workshops/APOLO-2022/


Thanks to the local organizing committee, Kirk KnobelspiesseZhibo Zhang, Ahmed El-Habashi, and the support of Hal Maring.


There is a good hope to have the meeting in person, in spite of COVID-19 complications, though the option remains to switch it to online one.


Looking forward to your contributions,




Oleg Dubovik, on behalf of APOLO conveners and program Committees


Positions in Electromagnetic scattering


Dear Colleagues,


Greetings from Wellington, New Zealand.

I have a PhD and postdoc positions available in my group to work on electromagnetic scattering by non-spherical particles. If you have Masters students who could be interested in the PhD, or PhD students/postdocs in your group who could be interested in the postdoc, please pass them the attached information.

I have also included a second PhD position on nano-optics just in case it is also of interest.


The attachments can be seen here:

https://www.astro.umd.edu/~elsnews/2022 PhD position in Wellington (nano-optics).pdf

https://www.astro.umd.edu/~elsnews/2022 postdoc position in Wellington (electromagnetic scattering).pdf

https://www.astro.umd.edu/~elsnews/2022 PhD position in Wellington (electromagnetic scattering).pdf

Best regards,

Eric Le Ru.