FUNCTION GETTAGSBYNAME, struct, tagname, getvalues=getvalues, root=root, $ settags=settags, count = count, simple = simple ;+ ; NAME: ; GetTagsByName ; ; PURPOSE: ; Get an array of tagnames in a structure matching name expression. ; Can use full regex in the name (See Learning About Regular Expressions in IDL Help). ; Will return an array of the values of the variables in the structure ; corresponding to these tagnames, if /getvalues is set. ; ; CATEGORY: ; structure processing ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Result = GETTAGSBYNAME(structure,tagname,[/getvalues, root=root, settags=settags, count=count]) ; ; INPUTS: ; structure - An IDL structure ; ; tagname - expression to match with the tagname string ; Regular Expression Examples: ; '\.name1$' - Search for final tag 'name1' exactly. ; '\.name1\.[^.]+$' - Search for only direct children of 'name1'. ; 'name1\.name2$' - Search for tags ending in 'name1.name2'. ; '\^.name1\.name2(__[1-9])?$' - Search for top level name1 with child 'name2' or ; 'name2__1', 'name2__2', ... 'name2__9'. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Returns a string array of full names for tags containing tagname in ; the structure. If no matches then result[0] = '-1' ; If getvalues is set, then result is a string array of values of ; those tags in the structure. If no values return, then ; result[0] = '-1'. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; getvalues - set to 1 to get values, set to 0 to get tagnames. Will only work ; if value is scalar or an array, but not a list of structures. ; ; root - Optionally can use name of structure as prefix to tagnames ; ; settags - If you already know the tags in the structure, then you can ; improve efficiency. Program will not perform another get_tags. ; Can also use this to restrict search to certain tags. ; ; count - Number of matches found ; ; PROCEDURES USED: ; GET_TAGS ; ; PACKAGE LOCATION: ; ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [May 8, 2012] ; ;- ;----------------------------------------------------------------- IF ~KEYWORD_SET(getvalues) THEN getvalues = 0 IF ~KEYWORD_SET(root) THEN root = '' IF ~KEYWORD_SET(simple) THEN simple = 0 IF ~KEYWORD_SET(settags) THEN tags = get_tags(struct,root) ELSE tags = settags root = strUpCase(root) tagname = strUpCase(tagname) IF (simple EQ 1) THEN BEGIN tagspos = WHERE(STRMATCH(tags,tagname)) result = where(tagspos NE -1,count) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN tagspos = WHERE(STREGEX(tags,tagname,/boolean) , count) ENDELSE IF (count EQ 0) THEN RETURN, '-1' tagsbyname = tags[tagspos] str = '' IF (getvalues) THEN BEGIN FOR i = 0, count-1 DO str = str+', STRUCT'+tagsbyname[i] str = STRMID(str,1) ; remove extra comma at beginning ; Executing the list of matching tags as an array ; results in an array of their values going into tagvalues. result = EXECUTE('tagvalues = ['+str+']') RETURN, tagvalues ENDIF ELSE BEGIN RETURN,tagsbyname ENDELSE END