FUNCTION header2hash,hdr,comments=comments,history=history,keydefs=keydefs ; ;+ ; NAME: ; HEADER2HASH ; ; PURPOSE: ; Transform a FITS like header (string array) into two IDL ordered hashes. ; One hash for the values and one for the line comments or keyword definitions. ; Also outputs separate arrays of comments and history. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Datafile handling; FITS, PDS ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; hhash = header2hash(header[,comments=comments,history=history,keydefs=keydefs]) ; ; INPUTS: ; header - A string array representing a fits header. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Returns an ordered hash with keys being the FITS keywords and values are ; their values. Optionally, the keydefs hash with the comments in fits cards at the end ; of many lines (after '/') that usually give the definition of the keyword. ; ; Optionally, a string array of all the COMMENT cards ; ; Optionally, a string array of all of the HISTORY cards ; ; KEYWORDS: ; keydefs - allows the keyword comments to be returned in a hash ; with same keywords as in the returned value hash. ; ; comments - String array return of the COMMENTS cards. ; ; history - String array return of the HISTORY cards ; ; PACKAGE LOCATION: ; ; ; IDL VERSIONS TESTED: ; 8.3 ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [Oct 5, 2013]. ; Major rewrite ES April 27, 2015. No longer relies on sxpar and other ; fits routines in astron library. ;- ;----------------------------------------------------------------- comments=[''] history=[''] keys = List() cmmnts= List() values= List() T = 1 F = 0 ; Last card is 'END' endcard = WHERE(STRMID(hdr,0,4) eq 'END ') endcard = endcard[0] IF (endcard EQ -1) THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'header2hash: No END card found' STOP ENDIF FOR i = 0, endcard DO BEGIN hdri = hdr[i] pos = STRPOS(hdri,'=') IF (pos EQ -1) THEN BEGIN ; No equal sign, may be comment or history pos = STRPOS(hdri,' ') IF (pos EQ -1 OR pos EQ 1) THEN CONTINUE key = STRMID(hdri,0,pos) IF key EQ 'COMMENT' THEN comments = [comments,STRTRIM(STRMID(hdri,pos+1),2)] IF key EQ 'HISTORY' THEN history = [history,STRTRIM(STRMID(hdri,pos+1),2)] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN keys.Add,STRTRIM(STRMID(hdri,0,pos-1),2) value = STRMID(hdri,pos[0]+1) posquote1 = STRPOS(value,"'") IF (posquote1 NE -1) THEN BEGIN posquote2 = STRPOS(STRMID(value,posquote1+1),"'") IF (posquote2 EQ -1) THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'header2hash: unmatched quote, line ',i STOP ENDIF ELSE BEGIN pos = STRPOS(STRMID(value,posquote1+posquote2+2),'/') IF (pos NE -1) THEN pos = pos+posquote1+posquote2+2 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE pos = STRPOS(value,'/') IF (pos NE -1) THEN BEGIN cmmnts.Add, STRTRIM(STRMID(value,pos+1)) value = STRTRIM(STRMID(value,0,pos-1),2) ENDIF ELSE cmmnts.Add, '' print,value ; This execute will allow each value to ; be datatyped real or integer, if it ; fails then it will remain string result = EXECUTE("value = "+value) values.Add,value ENDELSE ENDFOR hh = orderedhash(keys,values) keydefs = orderedhash(keys,cmmnts) IF (n_elements(comments) GT 1) THEN comments = comments[1:*] IF (n_elements(history) GT 1) THEN history = history[1:*] RETURN,hh END