Saturn Saturated with satellites Douglas P. Hamilton Advances in detector technology have led to a rash of newly discovered moons around the giant planets. Saturn currently has the most known satellites, but for how long? Parents of small children are expected to know the answers to questions, like "Which planets in the Solar System have the most moons?" Due to a surge of discoveries of distant planetary companions over the past five years, beleaguered parents everywhere would be hard pressed to answer this question correctly. Today, the planets with the most known natural satellites are Saturn with 30 moons, Jupiter with 27, Uranus with 21 and Neptune with 8. But this top-four list was ordered differently last year, and still differently the year before that. Only during the Voyager flybys of the 1980s was the discovery of new moons as rapid. On page XXX of this issue1 an international group of astronomers led by Brett Gladman reports the discovery of a dozen new saturnian satellites using highly-successful ground-based observations. The new discoveries have not come from telescopes in space, or from the largest telescopes on Earth, but from medium-sized instruments (3-5 m diameter), which can efficiently scan large regions of space. Ground-based surveys complement spacecraft imaging because they are sensitive to small moons far from a planet, but are insensitive to nearby satellites owing to light scattered from the planet. Conversely, imaging by a passing spacecraft can easily find small moonlets close to their parent planet, but cannot be used to efficiently search for distant satellites. Rapid improvements in detector technology make systematic ground-based searches much more tractable than even a decade ago; today digital CCD arrays with 10,000 x 10,000 pixels can cover a quarter-square-degree patch of sky (roughly equivalent to the area of the full Moon) in a single exposure. Equally important are improvements in computers, which allow data to be analysed in real time, and the development of sophisticated algorithms that can automatically detect and flag any faint, slowly moving objects. Despite these improvements, the observational task is still daunting. The region of space that needs to be covered in a thorough search is a planet's 'Hill sphere', within which satellites can orbit stably. The projected area on the sky covered by the Hill sphere is related to the planet's mass: for Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, these areas are a respectable 48, 22, 6, and 7 square degrees, respectively. Even with a quarter-square-degree field of view there is a lot of space to be covered and, partially for this reason, Gladman's group focused first on more distant Uranus and Neptune2,3, before proceeding to Saturn1. To cover Saturn's entire Hill sphere Gladman et al. planned a careful systematic campaign involving multiple telescopes and coordinated follow-up observations. Remarkably, this latest Saturn survey is sensitive to objects with a brightness of 23rd magnitude1. On the magnitude scale, brighter objects have lower numbers. So this means that, with reasonable assumptions for the reflectivities of the new moons, they have a complete inventory of objects with radii larger than about 4 km circling Saturn (Fig. 1). The Gladman group estimates that their previous studies of Uranus and Neptune are nearly complete, covering about 90% of the Hill sphere down to a similar magnitude limit3. While a complete survey of Jupiter's environs has not yet been completed, an impressive step in this direction was made earlier this year by Sheppard et al.4 who added ten additional jovian moons to the single one detected a year ago6. Because they shine by reflecting sunlight, 23rd magnitude satellites around Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have very different radii: approximately 1, 4, 16, and 36 km, respectively. This makes it difficult to compare different satellite populations because the observations discriminate against more distant planets. For example, all of the new saturnian satellites are probably too small to have been detected had they orbited Uranus or Neptune instead. Similarly, a group of three very faint objects that Gladman et al.1 spotted moving near Saturn but then lost (when angling for moons, unlike when angling for fish, it is the small ones that get away) would have been more easily tracked had they circled Jupiter instead. Nonetheless, complete surveys of satellite populations around individual planets can reveal clues to the origin and early history of the planets. Indeed, Gladman et al. observe that the saturnian satellites are grouped into distinct families (Fig. 1) with similar orbital properties, just as the main belt asteroids and distant jovian satellites are. Families are thought to be formed either during cratering collisions that break fragments off parent bodies, or during more violent catastrophic collisions that completely destroy the parent. The current orbits of the satellites (Fig. 1) gives some idea of these relationships, but similarities in their long-term orbital properties (particularly the average tilt of the orbital plane) give a clearer indication. The existence of satellite families implies there are substantial unseen populations of smaller bodies around all of the giant planets, because collisions that chip 1-km fragments off 10-km moons occur far more frequently than ones that produce 10-km fragments from 100-km moons. The three little ones that got away at Saturn are just the tip of the iceberg. If each satellite family was derived from a single parent moon, where did the parents originate? It has long been believed that these distant satellites were captured early in the history of the Solar system when a large disk of gas and dust, the Solar nebula, still surrounded the Sun. There are several possible capture mechanisms: involving interactions with the planet's own gaseous nebula7, other objects within the planet's Hill sphere8, and the expansion of the Hill sphere as the planet grows in size9. Gas drag from the Solar nebula probably facilitated all of these processes by slowing down the velocities of isolated objects. But the satellite capture process is not well understood and remains an outstanding problem in planetary science. The next challenge is a survey of Jupiter's entire Hill sphere down to 23rd magnitude. Such a survey is complicated by the large search area (more than for the other three giant planets combined), the potentially huge number of detectable 1-km-sized moonlets, the more rapid orbital motion of jovian satellites, and the greater likelihood for confusion with main-belt asteroids. Nonetheless, a multitude of jovian satellites probably lurk undetected in the vast region of space controlled by this giant planet. It will probably not be long before massive Jupiter regains the title of the Solar System's most-mooned planet. Douglas P. Hamilton is an Associate Professor in the Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA. e-mail: 1. Gladman, B. J. et al. Nature (this issue). 2. Gladman, B. J. et al. Nature 392, 897-899 (1998). 3. Gladman, B. J. et al. Icarus 147, 320-324 (2000). 4. Sheppard, S. S. et al. IAU Circular 7555 (2001). 5. Scotti, J. V. et al. IAU Circular 7460 (2000). 6. Heppenheimer, T. A. & Porco, C. C. Icarus 30, 385-401 (1977). 7. Pollack, J. B., Burns, J. A. & Tauber, M. E. Icarus 37, 587-611 (1979). 8. Colombo, G. & Franklin, F. A. Icarus 30, 385-401 (1971). Figure 1 The current orbits of the outer saturnian satellites. The radius of the Hill sphere is about 65 million km, which is equal to 1,100 Saturn radii, or 0.43 AU (1AU is the mean Earth-Sun distance). Saturn is at the center and the white objects on inner nearly-circular prograde orbits are the classical satellites, Titan, Hyperion and Iapetus. Prograde objects circle Saturn in the same way that its classical satellites do, whereas retrograde objects orbit in the opposite direction. The 12 new satellites discovered by Gladman et al.1 can be grouped into families according to their orbital properties: cyan and green objects are the new prograde groups whereas magenta and red dots (including previously-known Phoebe) are all retrograde satellites. Animations of these and all other Solar System satellites can be found at (Figure provided by M. Asbury.)