Aug. 29 |
Introduction Course outline, administration, overview; General principles of the detection of radiation |
Aug. 31 |
Direct detection 1 Single and multiplexed optical detectors; responsivity, dark current, background (and flat-fielding, dark/bias measurements) |
Sept. 5 |
Labor Day -- no class |
Sept. 7 |
Direct detection 2 Photon detectors; High energy detectors: solid state, scintillation, gas, Cherenkov |
Sept. 12 |
Direct detection 3 Bolometers and calorimeters from the submillimeter to X-rays |
Sept. 14 |
Coherent detection 1 Heterodyne receivers: amplifiers, mixers, sidebands, dB, dBm, etc. |
Sept. 19 |
Coherent detection 2 Signal to noise ratios, radiomteter equation, noise cascade |
Sept. 21 |
Statistics 1 Refresher: Distributions: binomial, Poisson, Normal, chi-squared; Measures: mean, standard deviation, standard error estimate, error propagation |
Sept. 26 |
Statistics 2 Application to noise: source-, background-, and quantum limited detection; Hypothesis testing and confidence limits |
Sept. 28 |
Statistics 3 The Bayesian approach |
Oct. 3 |
Statistics 4 An introduction to exploring distributions with MCMC techniques |
Oct. 5 |
Optics 1 Geometric optics, ray tracing. Optical layouts for X-ray, prime focus, Cassegrain, Gregorian, Nasmyth telescopes |
Oct. 10 |
Optics 2 Diffraction and introduction to Fourier optics |
Oct. 12 |
Fourier series and transforms 1 Introduction, definitions, basic principles and limits |
Oct. 17 |
Fourier series and transforms 2 Transform theorems and their applications |
Oct. 19 |
Oct. 24 |
Fourier series and transforms 3 Sampling, aliasing, convolution |
Oct. 26 |
Fourier series and transforms 4 The FFT, spectra and filtering |
Oct. 31 |
Optics 3 Filled aperture telescopes: beams, point spread functions, tapered illumination |
Nov. 2 |
Optics 4 Aperture phase, adaptive and active optics |
Nov. 7 |
Interferometry 1 Introduction to interferometry |
Nov. 9 |
Interferometry 2 Phased and multiplying arrays: from Michelson to Ryle |
Nov. 14 |
3 Synthesis arrays and earth rotation |
Nov. 16 |
Interferometry 4 Imaging, deconvolution of incompletely sampled data |
Nov. 21 |
Spectral analysis 1 Overview, colors, filters, prisms, calorimeters |
Nov. 23 |
Thanksgiving break -- no class |
Nov. 28 |
Spectral analysis 2 Gratings, echelles, filter banks |
Nov. 30 |
Spectral analysis 3 Fabry-Perot, multi-layer reflectors and anti-reflection coatings, microwave filters |
Dec. 5 |
Spectral analysis 4 Fourier transform spectrometers, correlators |
Dec. 7 |
Gravitational wave detection |
Dec. 12 |
Frames of reference:
velocities, times, and so on |
Dec 17 |