Oscilloscope mode

The Zpectrometer micros can take time series data for individual lags.  First, set the master and quad switching mode:

titania> telnet zpectrometer1.gbt.nrao.edu
zpec> b 1
zpec> poke 0.4 1
zpec> quit

If the backend is not zpectrometer1, synchronize the test unit (beN in this example) to the master and set the matching switching mode:
titania> telnet zpectrometerN.gbt.nrao.edu
zpec> sync
zpec> poke 0.4 1
zpec> quit

Now set up to write the file to disk with name filename (e.g. totpwr1.dat), then start the oscilloscope mode on the micro.  In this example, look at all lags, integrating for 20 cycles of 11.52 ms each (0.230 s), with 504 samples (116.1 s total time):
titania> source ~/wasp2/wasp_start
titania> zpec -a zpectrometerN.gbt.nrao.edu filename
zpec> o 0-255 20 504
let it run until it finishes dumping numbers to the screen (and possibly an error message), then terminate and close files with
zpec> ctrl-D

The maximum product of number of lags times the number of samples is 2^17 = 131,072, or
An example of a non-contiguous set of lags is 0-16,18,250,252-255 (no spaces)

The longest time bin is 1/18th of the longest time with the current builds of the Allen variance routines, so for sampling all lags:

Questions or comments?  Please contact Andrew Harris.