This diagram is a directed acyclic graph representing the ADMIT Task connections for the flow. Each arrow represents the connection from an ADMIT task output to the input of another ADMIT Task. The integer next to each arrow is the zero-based index of the ADMIT Task's output BDP. Note any output BDP may be used as the input for more than one ADMIT Task.

ADMIT Flow Diagram

Ingest_AT reads in a FITS image into ADMIT, creating a CASA image and extracting basic information. It is usually the first step in any ADMIT flow.

Image Information
Input image (FITS or CASA)/subaru2nb/lgm/ALMA-IMF/W43-MM2/W43-MM2-B6-cont.fits
Output image (CASA)
Rest frequency216.200000 GHz
VLSR-1000000.0 km/s (estimated)
Beam 0.52" x 0.42" PA @ -74.75 deg
Imsize1680 x 1680 x 1
Intensity unitJy/beam
Data min/max-9.932E-04  /  1.492E-01
Percentage bad pixels40.00%

CubeStats_AT computes image-plane robust statistics on datacubes. These statistics are particularly useful for identifying spectral lines in images where the noise varies as a funnction of frequency.

CASA image
RMS methodmedabsdevmed
RMS value1.420E-04
Dynamic range1.051E+03
Data mean7.851E-05

SFind2D_AT creates a list of sources found in a 2D image based on the noise statistics in the image as determined by CubeStats.

Image of input map with sources found by SFind2D overlayed in green.
Image of input map with sources found by SFind2D overlayed in green.

Table of source locations and sizes (not deconvolved)

1.000E+00 18:47:36.795 - 3.896E-01 1.492E-01 7.702E-01 7.556E-01 6.744E+01
2.000E+00 18:47:36.698 - 5.381E-02 1.642E-02 9.308E-01 7.429E-01 4.868E+01
3.000E+00 18:47:36.654 - 7.223E-02 1.596E-02 1.068E+00 9.319E-01 4.837E+01
4.000E+00 18:47:36.101 - 4.565E-02 1.474E-02 9.935E-01 6.817E-01 7.402E+01
5.000E+00 18:47:36.703 - 1.305E-01 1.644E-02 2.292E+00 7.733E-01 2.210E+01
6.000E+00 18:47:36.283 - 2.634E-02 1.144E-02 7.018E-01 6.863E-01 7.774E+00
7.000E+00 18:47:36.819 - 4.557E-02 1.160E-02 1.026E+00 8.752E-01 1.257E+00
8.000E+00 18:47:36.028 - 2.155E-02 1.160E-02 6.986E-01 5.821E-01 9.573E+01
9.000E+00 18:47:36.837 - 2.351E-02 9.764E-03 8.464E-01 6.121E-01 1.292E+02
1.000E+01 18:47:36.150 - 1.705E-02 9.794E-03 6.651E-01 5.899E-01 6.546E+01
1.100E+01 18:47:36.913 - 9.701E-02 9.155E-03 1.689E+00 1.356E+00 6.758E+01
1.200E+01 18:47:36.821 - 7.147E-02 8.224E-03 1.550E+00 1.240E+00 7.772E+01
1.300E+01 18:47:36.752 - 1.650E-01 6.598E-03 4.156E+00 1.276E+00 1.301E+02
1.400E+01 18:47:36.670 - 3.096E-03 5.452E-03 3.500E-01 3.500E-01 1.800E+02
1.500E+01 18:47:35.102 - 8.820E-03 5.294E-03 6.533E-01 5.507E-01 1.133E+02
1.600E+01 18:47:36.756 - 2.990E-02 4.903E-03 1.196E+00 1.119E+00 6.319E+01