cr - Read the cursor

cr p:			read the cursor and print its position.
cr px:			read the cursor and print only the X position.
cr py:			read the cursor and print only the Y position.
cr 2;us x(0)_x(1)	zero the use array between cursor positions. This is
			the macro 'uscr' in the global macros. (See also
			'zoom' in .GMACROS)

cr turns the cursor of your terminal on and reads its position when you
strike a key or click a mouse button. If 'n' is given it is read n times. 
The horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor are converted to plot 
units and may be accessed in a numeric expression as an argument to a 
command. The tokens 'x(m)' and 'y(m)' have the values from the 
m'th cursor read and may be used in any expression.

The token 'crsr(m)' will have the value 1 unless the key you struck to make
the m'th reading was 'e'. For xterms, a carriage return must be
entered after the keystroke or mouse-click.

This document was last updated on Tue Oct 17 16:24:05 EDT 2000 by Marc W. Pound.