ph - print a value in hh:mm:ss.s format			RWW

ph .ra+.dra			print the ra of stack 1.

p .numst nl:;ph .ra+.dra nl:;ph .dec+.ddec
				print the number of the stack in stack 1
				followed by its ra and dec in hms format.

ph .ra+.dra gs:1;ph .dec+.ddec gs:2;pr "stack %.0f %s %s",.numst,$1,$2 gs:3
				Prepare a title for a plot.

dv s:"junk";ph .ra nv:"junk"    Print the ra to the string "junk"

Ph is used to evaluate an expression and print the result in 'hms' format.

The 'nl' flag will make ph print a space instead of a line feed at the end.

The 'gs:' option instructs ph to put its output in a global string.
The 'nv:' option instructs ph to put its output in a named (user-defined) 

SEE ALSO: "p ?!" , "pr ?!"

This document was last updated on Tue Oct 17 16:24:05 EDT 2000 by Marc W. Pound.