ComputingTips, tricks, and scripts
Observation planning with Elevation
elevation is an online observation planning tool that runs as a web app. It plots the elevation of comets, asteroids, and fixed targets throughout the night for a specific observatory site:
Lowell Discovery Telescope/LMI dithering
Python script to generate observing macros: lmi-dither
Supports an hexagonal or cross pattern. The scale of the pattern, filter(s), integration time(s), number of positions, and subframe are all configurable. It also provides estimates of the total integration and wall times for 2×2 binning. By default, a short SDSS r' context image is taken at the start and end.
$ lmi-dither --set=OH-long 88P/Howell #title=true ra=false dec=false exposureTime=true numExposures=false filter=true subframe=false muRA=false muDec=false epoch=false dRA=false dDec=false rotatorPA=false rotatorFrame=false xi=true eta=true comment=true commandOption=false # "88P/Howell" 30.0 SL-r 0 2 "Context" "88P/Howell" 100.0 RC 0 -60 "Position 0" "88P/Howell" 100.0 RC -52 30 "Position 1" "88P/Howell" 100.0 RC 52 30 "Position 2" "88P/Howell" 300.0 OH 0 -60 "Position 0" "88P/Howell" 300.0 OH -52 30 "Position 1" "88P/Howell" 300.0 OH 52 30 "Position 2" "88P/Howell" 100.0 BC 0 -60 "Position 0" "88P/Howell" 100.0 BC -52 30 "Position 1" "88P/Howell" 100.0 BC 52 30 "Position 2" "88P/Howell" 100.0 BC -52 -30 "Position 3" "88P/Howell" 100.0 BC 0 60 "Position 4" "88P/Howell" 100.0 BC 52 -30 "Position 5" "88P/Howell" 300.0 OH -52 -30 "Position 3" "88P/Howell" 300.0 OH 0 60 "Position 4" "88P/Howell" 300.0 OH 52 -30 "Position 5" "88P/Howell" 100.0 RC -52 -30 "Position 3" "88P/Howell" 100.0 RC 0 60 "Position 4" "88P/Howell" 100.0 RC 52 -30 "Position 5" "88P/Howell" 30.0 SL-r -2 0 "Context" # # 20 frames # 3060.0 s = 51 min integration time # 3540.0 s = 59 min estimated wall time
$ lmi-dither --help usage: lmi-dither [-h] [-n N] [-g G] [--scale SCALE] [--offset OFFSET] [--pattern {cross,hex}] [--subframe SUBFRAME] [--no-filter] [--filters FILTERS] [--itimes ITIMES] [--no-alternate] [--set {OH,OH-CN,OH-long,RC-BC}] [--no-context] [--context-itime CONTEXT_ITIME] [title [title ...]] Generate a DCT/LMI dither macro. positional arguments: title Image title. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -n N Number of dithers; even is best for airmass matching -g G Number of dithers to group before changing filters. Set to 1 to disable. --scale SCALE Scale factor for offsets. [arcsec] --offset OFFSET Absolute dither pattern offset (xi, eta). --pattern {cross,hex} Dither pattern. --subframe SUBFRAME Use this subframe number. --no-filter Set to omit filter column. --filters FILTERS Comma-separated list of filter names --itimes ITIMES Comma-separated list of filter integration times, or one time for all filters. [s] --no-alternate Cycle through each step before each filter. --set {OH,OH-CN,OH-long,RC-BC} Use a predefined filter/itime sequence. --no-context Do not bracket with a context images. --context-itime CONTEXT_ITIME Integration time to use for context images. [s]