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Homework Assignments & Tests

The homework and test "solutions" I provide will not always be word-for-word solutions. Frequently, they will be guidelines on how to get the answer to encourage you do it (or redo it as necessary) yourself. Whenever you are in doubt, come by during office hours. I will make every attempt to post solutions by the evening after the due date. Test solutions may take slightly longer. Be sure to check the homework solutions and verify that you understand them prior to each test!

The homework and test schedule is also found in the Lecture Schedule. Homework assignments are not accepted late and are due at the beginning of class on the due date.


AssignmentMaterial coveredDate Due Solutions
HW #3 Large Scale Structure + a bit of CMBApr 13th HW 3 solns
HW #4 more CMB; early universe (inflation)Apr 27th HW 4 solns


TestMaterial coveredDate Given
Test 2 Whatever we've covered to that point Apr 29th

Last Modified: April 2010 subject to change