Digital FIR Filtering Options for CARMA Digitizers Kevin P. Rauch Astronomy Dept, University of Maryland, College Park Design possibilities are examined for the implementation of narrowband CARMA spectral-line modes using digital filtering techniques. The model designs are based on an analog pre-filter followed by one or more stages of digital filtering and decimation that narrow and shape the input analog bandpass to create the desired observing window. The pre-filter is the same one used to construct the narrowest analog-based spectral-line mode. It is found that for a 62~MHz pre-filter, 31~MHz, 8~MHz and 2~MHz observing bands exhibiting $<0.5$~dB of passband ripple (peak-to-peak, analog pre-filter excluded), 30~dB of stopband rejection, and a relative transition width of $\sim$1/64 (per edge) require $\approx 50\%$ of the digital logic available in one COBRA digitizer FPGA. It is therefore possible to implement the corresponding spectral modes using COBRA digitizer cards without resorting to narrowband analog filters. Requantization after digital processing is found to reduce efficiency by 3-6\%, depending on the number of bits retained between decimation stages. Assuming as-is reuse of COBRA hardware, the 31~MHz mode is feasible only if digital frequency modulation is used. Spectral bandwidths $<2$~MHz are also easily supported in designs based on frequency modulation (with small additional reductions in efficiency).