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ASTR615 Fall 2015 Problem Set #5
Due Wed November 18th, 2015
Write a program to integrate any number of coupled differential
equations using the Euler method, fourth-order Runge-Kutta, and
Leapfrog (note: Leapfrog only applies to special cases). You will be
using this program in a future assignment, so make sure it's well
documented. It's recommended that you use double precision
- Use your program to solve the following differential equation
for :
with initial conditions ,
. Note the
analytical solution is .
- Integrate the equation for
using each of the
methods, and step sizes of 1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.03, and 0.01.
- Plot your integration results against the analytical solution
for each case. (Hint: do all the Euler plots on one page,
with one plot per timestep; then all the Leapfrog plots on another
page, etc.) Comment on the results.
- Plot
as a function of
in each case and comment. (Hint: does the error have the
expected dependence on the stepsize? Remember you're integrating
over many steps, not just one.)
- Now try the two-dimensional orbit described by the potential:
where we are assuming unit mass for the particle in this potential.
Show analytically that the orbits are given by the coupled
differential equations:
and then reduce these to 4 coupled first-order equations.
- Integrate this system for
with the initial
conditions , , , . Try
this with Leapfrog and Runge-Kutta, and step sizes of 1, 0.5,
0.25, and 0.1. Plot vs. for these integrations.
- Plot the energy
a function of time for your integrations.
- Plot phase diagrams ( vs.
) for the Lotka-Volterra Predator-Prey model:
where is the prey density (rabbits), the predator density
(foxes), (rabbit reproduction rate), (rabbit
consumption rate by foxes), (fox death rate by natural
causes), (fox population growth rate due to consumption
of rabbits), and (hunting rate of foxes and rabbits,
respectively). Use only your Runge-Kutta integrator, with = 0
to 100 and timesteps of 1, 0.5, 0.25, and 0.1 to solve this system,
starting with and . If , for roughly
what value of do both populations drop below by for a timestep of 0.1?
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Massimo Ricotti