#!/bin/csh -f # # applies the line-length phases to a data file # - mchw 21mar96 # if ($#argv<3) then echo "Usage: linefix filename refant interval" exit 0 endif # rm -r $1.tmp uvcal vis=$1 out=$1.tmp options=nocal,phasem select=pol'(yy)' selfcal vis=$1.tmp line=wide,1,4 minants=3 refant=$2 interval=$3 gpplt vis=$1.tmp nxy=3,3 device=/xw yaxis=phase options=wrap rm -r $1.lf uvcat vis=$1.tmp out=$1.lf rm -r $1.tmp echo " " echo "FILE = $1.lf is corrected for line-length phases with interval = $3 minutes." echo " " #exit 0 # selfcal: echo "Want to self-cal too? (n): " set ans = $< if ($ans == "") exit 0 if ($ans == n) exit 0 selfcal vis=$1.lf line=wide,1 refant=$2 interval=.1 echo "" echo "FILE = $1.lf is self-calibrated (interval=.1; phase only)." echo ""# # exit 0