.. _using: Using NEMO ========== .. note:: The ``nemo_start.(c)sh`` file needs to be sourced to set up your shell environment for using NEMO. In order to use NEMO, you will need to modify your shell environment, for example in the ``bash`` (or ``zsh``) shell this could be .. code-block:: bash source /opt/nemo/nemo_start.sh assuming NEMO was installed in ``/opt/nemo/``, and .. code-block:: bash source /opt/nemo/nemo_start.csh for users of a ``csh`` like shell. Normally this line would be added to your ``~/.bashrc`` or ``/.cshrc`` file. After this the following commands should work for you .. code-block:: bash tsf --help man tsf Updating NEMO ------------- Although a full update is out of scope for the discussion here, a common case is when a program is not available, or a collaborator had made a new or updated program available via github. The following procedure generally works, assuming you have write permission in the ``$NEMO`` directory tree: .. code-block:: bash mknemo -u tsf mknemo -h man mknemo tsf --help and an updated version should now be available. Check the value of the ``VERSION=`` value in the output of ``--help`` of the recompiled program, or use the ``help=h`` for a bit more help even. Writing NEMO program programs is covered in :ref:`progr`, or see also :ref:`install`.